Page 68 of Sunshine's Grump

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I was almost certain the wedding photographer swooned.

Soleil’s hand was warm in mine, her eyes spilling silent, joyful tears as we said our vows and gave our lives to each other.

“You may kiss the bride,” my sister finally announced.

I didn’t just kiss her. I ravished her, showing her and the whole world how much I loved my true mate.

Soleil giggled into my neck when she finally broke away, blushing furiously. “Grumpy, be careful. You’ll wake up Captain Campari.”

“The captain’s been awake since the minute you walked in this room. And he’s decided he’s done being a respectable seaman. It’s time for a little piracy.”

She wrinkled her nose. “Privacy?”

“That, too,” I replied with a grin. Then I lifted her in my arms and carried her down the aisle and out into the sunlight.



“Come on, husband. It’s time for you to swab my decks so I can walk Captain Campari’s massive plank,” I demanded, kicking my shoes off. Whoever had invented heels needed to be brought back from the grave and forced to face the millions of poor souls who’d paid the price for his crimes against womankind. “If I can walk, that is.” I dug my bare toes into the soft rug by our bed.

We’d just gotten back home after the wedding reception. Honestly, a large part of me wanted tostayhome, but our families were desperate to celebrate with us—and my parents wanted to see the yacht that had brought their new son-in-law into our family. We’d decided to take a very short, intimate honeymoon wedding cruise on the Little Duchess XI. There would only be twenty-five of us sailing this time, and while Giovanni had experienced what he called a heart attack—but Dr. Rimbolt had more accurately labeled a temper tantrum—when I suggested the cruise, he’d calmed down about it.

Of course, he’d commissioned an entire line of cruise wear for me that had small air pockets as part of the designs, so if I fell into the ocean or pool, I would already be wearing a life preserver. My new underwear looked like thin, colorful bubble wrap, and I cringed every time I tried on the poofy shorts and tops.

I figured I’d humor him until we were out at sea, then distract him in our stateroom until he forgot to worry. I giggled, thinking of the distractions I had in mind. I’d been holding off on showing him Rain’s party trick for a while…

“Are you sure you didn’t have anything to drink at the reception?” Gio teased as he slipped out of his flat, comfortable wingtips.

“You know I didn’t,” I said, pulling the pins out of my hair. “Unless you count that little trip to the ladies’ room where I swallowed your—”

He pulled me into him, kissing me silent for a long minute. Every one of his kisses today had made my head spin. Not that I’d tell Giovanni that; he’d have me back at the hospital faster than I could say “drunk on love.” I ran my hands down his back, grabbing hold of what I liked to call Sunshine’s Personal Wedding Cake.

“Tell the truth. Billionaires have personal trainers for every single muscle, don’t you? Finger trainers, butt trainers, ab trainers…”

He nodded, pushing me away and undoing his shirt buttons. “Eight ab trainers at least,” he replied, his face severe. “One for each ab.”He pulled the shirt free and leaned down to slip off his socks. “Let’s not get started on the specialists I had to hire for my toes. You think phalangeal muscles like these just happen?” He stared at his wiggling toes, then up at me, his expression perfectly blank.

I bit the inside of my cheek to keep from laughing. “Of course not. Your toes are…”

“I think the word you’re looking for is ‘swole,’ Sunshine.” He flexed his toes, making a grunting noise.

I fell back on the bed, laughing. “How do you keep a straight face all the time, Grumpy?”

“Decades of practice, princess.”

“I want muscle trainers,” I teased. finally pulling the last of the crystal strands free of my hair and letting it fall down my back. “Hot ones, with abs for days.”

He pulled me back up, thrusting his pelvis against my gown. “You’re only getting one trainer. But I promise I’ll make you so sore, you’ll never miss the others.” I ran my fingers over the place where I’d marked him, loving the way he shivered every time. “Now get naked, naughty girl. It’s time for a little plank walking.”

“Aye aye, captain,” I said with a jaunty salute. I tried not to drool as he bent over to take off his trousers. When I got undressed, I sort of flung everything on the ground to deal with later. I’d learned that Giovanni hung each piece of his clothing up meticulously, every time.

“Attention to detail,” he called it when I teased him about it. “It’s how I kept my company afloat.”

I appreciated the trait now. Giovanni paid attention to every detail of my body, and had gone to great lengths in his efforts to wring as many orgasms as humanly possible from me every day so far.

The tux he’d worn to the wedding was the sexiest thing I’d ever seen him wear, and the dark gray bow tie hung loose around his neck. It reminded me of the first time we’d met. I pulled it off his neck, then turned around and pulled my long hair to the front, exposing the five million buttons on my back for him to undo.

While he muttered curses about fasteners, I dropped the silk tie to the floor and kicked it under the bed to retrieve later. Omegas were scent hoarders, and I had an impressive collection of my favorite things he’d worn in a secret box in my closet. This was definitely going in there.
