Page 56 of He Found Me

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“Nonsense. I grew up eating them; they’ll do him no harm.” Watching them both enjoy each other's company really makes me happy. We have a life of freedom here. I’m so proud of what Leo has created for our little family. Rubbing my swollen tummy, I smile, excited to add another little one to our team. It's funny how things change. That day I was given the list of what is expected of the wife of Mr. Guerra, I was mortified. Never could I have imagined adhering to any of those demands, and yet, here I am, willingly following each and every one of them.

1. As the wife Leonardo Guerra, it is not necessary for you to work. All your needs will be provided for.

- I happily let Leo work in the vineyard while I look after our home and child.

2. As part of the Guerra family, you will be expected to keep a healthy diet and exercise. Training will be arranged at convenient times by Mr. Guerra.

- Keeping fit and healthy is something I want to do for us all. When Leo isn’t working, I go for a run along the beach, and we workout together in our gym when little Mark is asleep.

3.Guerra has a reputation to uphold; you must always look your uttermost best.

- I take pride in my appearance. Wanting to look good for your husband is every wife’s goal, isn’t it?

4.You will be expected to be available to Mr. Guerra at all times.

- Oh, I am definitely available whenever my husband needs me.

5.You will attend events and must always stay at Mr. Guerra’s side.

-There’s no place I’d rather be.

6.As your husband, you will obey and respect every decision he makes.

-Maybe not the obey bit, he’s not always right, but I respect him immensely.

7. The Guerra family must continue their generations; therefore, it is expected that a minimum of 4 children will be born in the first 6 years of marriage. 2 of these children must be male.

- The more, the merrier. I’m my most happy when I’m carrying my husband’s child. And look at little Mark, who wouldn’t want more of that cheeky face.

I can’t say where we now live; I can’t risk anyone finding us. But what I can say is, this island is the most relaxed place you could ever imagine. The community is friendly but keeps themselves to themselves. There are people here from all over the world. I’m sure everyone on the island is here for similar reasons to us. We live a simple life, don’t get me wrong; our house is beautiful, it's on the beach, it's spacious, and it has everything we need. Our days are spent on our own grounds, enjoying the outdoors, the sea, and the fresh air. We grow our own fruit and vegetables; we have chickens for eggs and goats for milk. We even make our own cheese. Once a month, we go down to the market and exchange our produce for other necessities. Life is good.

Just as we sit down for dinner, a noise I haven’t heard for a long time sounds. The phone is ringing. The phone that never rings. The phone that is only for emergencies. Leo stands; he walks over to the cupboard where it's kept. I watch him intently as he answers. Reading the expression on his face, I know exactly what it means.

The Guerra’s.

And just like that, my bubble of tranquillity bursts.

The end for now.
