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"Tell me, Felicity," Declan begins. It's obvious he wants to include me in their conversations. "Do you want to have dinner on the patio or the dining room?"

I stare at Eli with a mischievous grin.

"What does Eli want?"

"He wants us to eat in the dining room so he can watch the baseball games."

Eli appears to be less thrilled about my participation in their activities, but I refuse to let him dictate my actions. "It's a perfect evening to soak in the ambiance so, I'm settling for the patio."

I can see Declan struggling to bite back a smile. Of course, he knows I'm trying to rile his son up.

"Really? I am just thinking you're nice, but you are not." Eli says in a clipped and toneless voice.

Declan laughs and kisses the boy's hair, then pat gently on his shoulder.

"I'll see you in a bit, Buddy."

"Can I eat in my room? Please."

Declan shakes his head repeatedly.

"Ms. Goleman is our guest, we must make her feel comfortable."

The boy looks as if he wants to say something, but then he changes his mind. However, there's no missing the anger in his eyes when he shifts his gaze back to me.

"So much for trying to get me to like you, Ms. Goleman," Eli says in a clipped and toneless voice.

Declan's eyes grow wide, and he stutters, looking slightly uncomfortable.

"Eli! That's no way to talk to--"

Eli lifts his eyebrows the tiniest bit; his lips dip in a smirk, then he lowers his head.

"I'm sorry, Ms. Goleman."

The words are directed at me, but his gaze is fixated on his white Nike sneakers.

Declan attempts to speak again, his face flushed with fury. I subtly shake my head, indicating that it's best to drop it. I feel Eli's resentment is understandable, there's a huge chance he might come around because, beneath that bratty attitude, he's trying so hard to garner his father's love and attention. He's just-- he's just scared that I'm going to take away Declan's attention from him.

Well, they're wrong though. I'm just here to help Declan get what he wants from his father. As soon as that's done, I won't even stick around for a celebratory drink.

The second Angelina takes Eli from the room, Declan joins me on the couch with a look of awkwardness plastered on his face.

"That was delightful," I curve the corners of my lips in a smile, "and you don't have to apologize for his behavior, Declan. We have more important issues to tackle."

"I enjoy your company, Felicity. It's important to me that you feel at ease and not be cautious because of Eli."

I cast him my sweetest smile to ease his worry.

"I'm fine, Declan. I'm hopeful that Eli will come around."

Something about his eyes stirs a flutter in my belly. I open my mouth to ask him if he'd called his attorney concerning his ex-wife's threat. I heard him on the phone, but I didn't pay close attention to decipher who was on the other line. It could have been his PA. The two men seem to have a close-knitted relationship despite the age gap.

"Do I make you uncomfortable, Felicity?" he asks, tilting my chin up with his fingertips. "Hm?"

I gulp, thoughts tangle as blazing heat dances along my nerves.

"No-- no, you don't."
