Page 104 of Shattered Vows

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She’d wanted to make good on her deal with Quinn—get married once she’d gotten the all-clear—but to her surprise, he’d hesitated.

He’d promised it wasn’t because he didn’t want to get married, because he did. He just wanted to hold off a few days. Apparently, he had a surprise for her first. She couldn’t say she was a fan of surprises, but the excitement that had sparkled in his gray eyes had persuaded her to relent.

Which had led her to the present moment.

For the first time in weeks, she was dressed. In real clothes. Not sweatpants or leggings or baggy T-shirts. But an actual dress. With sandals. She’d even shaved her legs and put on mascara.

It was her first non-medical outing since all the craziness with Preston.

Placing her hands over her growing baby bump, happiness filled her. While she had so many conflicting feelings about Preston—feelings she was working with a therapist to sort out—regret was no longer one of them. Her little avocado wouldn’t be here if it hadn’t been for him. And while she was still reconciling her emotions, she’d come to find peace with that.

Large, calloused hands covered hers, and she smiled.

“You ready, sweetheart,” Quinn murmured.

She leaned back into his chest and glanced up.

This wonderful man, who’d been her rock... he wouldn’t be in her life if it hadn’t been for her ex, either.

Life was crazy and mysterious like that. It truly was.

She squeezed his hands. “Yup. Let’s see what this big surprise you have is.”

Lacing their fingers together, Quinn pulled her toward the entrance to Monty’s Tavern, a bar and grill a street over from Comfort Food and five doors up from Ray’s Diner. While she’d yet to dine there, she’d met the owner, Four, numerous times since he was good friends with Quinn and Roxie and a Comfort Food regular.

Stepping through the door, it took a moment for her eyes to adjust. Though the tavern had a full wall of sliding glass doors, it was considerably dimmer than outside. The décor was a charming old-world nautical theme and—

Her heart stopped.

She wavered on her feet.

But strong arms settled at her waist, holding her up.

“Breathe, sweetheart,” Quinn’s loving voice whispered.

“Surprise,” the woman before her said.

Tears sprang to her eyes and spilled down her cheeks. Then she was in motion.

“Mom,” she sobbed, launching herself into the open arms awaiting her.

The scent of Old Spice hit her nose, and another sob tore from her throat. Lifting her head, she met her father’s shimmering whiskey-brown eyes. “Dad.”

She wept with joy and shock as she hugged her parents for the first time in over five years. When she came up for air, another figure stepped into her line of sight, and a fresh wave of tears engulfed her.

“Kayla,” she said, her throat thick.

Then she was in her big sister’s arms, with their parents hugging them both.

After what felt like the world’s longest and most joyous hug, she released her family. Taking a moment to sop up her damp face, she knew her makeup was wrecked. But she didn’t care. Not one bit.

A hand settled at the small of her back, and her heart threatened to burst. Gazing up at Quinn, her lower lip quivered. He’d done this. For her.

“I love you so much, Quinn. Thank you.”

Wiping away a tear with his thumb, he dropped a kiss to her lips. “Happy tears?”

She nodded, her vision growing misty again. “Can I ask you for one more thing?”

His eyes crinkled at the corners. “Anything, sweetheart.”

“Can we get married now?”

He threw his head back and laughed. Pulling her tight against him, he lifted her off her feet. “Absolutely, Alex Garcia. Absolutely.”

Then his lips claimed hers. Hoots and whistles sounded around them. And everything was perfect.

* * *

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