Page 117 of Fight for Me

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Finally, it was time for the send-off. Anne changed into a cream pantsuit with a silk blouse. She kept on the earrings, necklace, and shoes. The stylist added a hat with a wide, flat brim which she tilted to a jaunty angle. After touching up her makeup, Anne was ready to go.

It was a good thing, too. She was so tired, she could barely stay on her feet. Adrenaline and excitement had carried her through, but exhaustion was hitting her hard.

Her mom and dad joined her in the dressing room, wanting one last hug before she left with Blane for…wherever he was taking her. Anne thanked them profusely for the wedding.

“It was beautiful,” she said. “More than I ever expected. Just perfect. Thank you so much.”

Her dad looked abashed and her mom blushed before pooh-poohing her and giving her another kiss on the cheek and a very tight hug.

Blane was waiting for her, having changed into a suit and tie. He took her hand.

“Ready to run the gauntlet?”

She laughed and nodded. They’d opted for the traditional throwing of rice and a tunnel of guests waited for them outside. The hat would protect Anne’s hair from the rice.

Jean opened the doors for them and they did a slow jog through the tunnel, laughing at the shower of rice inundating them. The limo was waiting and they scrambled inside, brushing rice from their clothes.

Kade and Maria had taken the liberty of decorating the limo and the sound of tin cans echoed behind them as the limo took off, “Just Married” written onto the rear window.

Both of them simultaneously leaned back against the leather seat with a sigh.

“I’m so tired,” Anne groaned, taking off the hat and unpinning her hair. She ran her fingers through the locks, massaging her scalp. “But overall, dear husband, I think it was a rousing success.”

“I don’t care if it had been at the 24/7 Chapel of Love in Vegas or in front of a Justice of the Peace,” he said. “So long as it made you my wife.”

Anne turned her head to look at him, her lips curving in a small smile. He was looking at her as if she was the most beautiful, most fascinating woman in the world.

“So where are we going?” she asked.

“The airport.”

Anne rolled her eyes. “I assumed as much. I meant after that.”

“You’ll see. It’s still a surprise.”

She shook her head in feigned exasperation. It was sweet he wanted to surprise her. She wondered if it would be a place where she’d already been. She was fortunate to have traveled quite a bit with her parents around the world.

Despite herself, she dozed off, only waking when the limo pulled to a stop. Her head was on Blane’s shoulder, but he didn’t seem to mind.

“You can sleep on the plane,” he said. “There’s a bedroom in the back.”

Anne’s brows rose. She hadn’t remembered Kade’s plane having a bedroom.

Blane helped her out of the limo and she glimpsed the plane. She gasped. It was the largest private jet she’d ever seen. She looked at Blane, her mouth agape. He shrugged.

“A friend’s wedding gift to us. The use of his plane.”

“That’s some friend.”

“I did him a favor a while back. He likes to pay his debts.”

Anne didn’t ask what the favor was. Ignorance was bliss.

Two flight attendants were waiting for them, one at the foot of the stairs, one up at the doorway into the plane. Blane and Anne climbed the stairs, his hand gentle on her back as he walked behind her.

The interior of the private jet had Anne again dropping her jaw in amazement. Luxurious didn’t even begin to describe it.

It looked like a spacious living room, complete with a flat screen TV attached to the wall. Buttery soft leather couches lined the walls with tables set in front of them. Two armchairs flanked the television.
