Page 16 of Bitten By Love

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“Brace yourself, my love,” Gabriel said, “for I do not plan on stopping until I see you writhing underneath me.”

Any protest went obsolete when my formal verbal complaint got disrupted by his slithery tongue. After the intense exploration of my mouth, his next target became my breasts. He nibbled, suckled, and blew on them to the point of no return. It had to happen now. “Please, Gabriel. I can no longer…”

He smiled mischievously. “Oh, but I believe you can,” he said as he lowered himself to my belly button. Each kiss sent electrical currents through my body.

“No, I can’t. This is too much. I beg you,” I said as I cupped his face.

“I do love hearing you pleading, my love. And as you know, your wish is always my command,” he said. He adjusted himself between my legs and moved his hips in mock thrusts. I wished for him to hurry, but the ever-so-teasing Gabriel decided to torture me a bit more.

“I do appreciate the level of control you’re displaying, but I need you NOW,” I said.

He smiled playfully and plunged into me with a precise force that sent me into an immediate blissful exaltation. I thought he would stop to let me adjust, but Gabriel had other ideas. Instead, he continued his thrusts, slowly increasing the speed to superhuman capabilities. No human could control their reactions to such vigor, so I chose to not fight it. I let myself be led by his sensual mastery, like a leaf guided by the wind’s force. The next climactic bliss followed the first one closely. Then he would slow down, to which my body reacted with soft trembles. Then he would speed up and bring me on the verge of collapse, sending my senses into the stratosphere. And again, he would reduce the intensity.

“How long are you going to torment me like this?” I asked in despair.

He smirked but didn’t answer me. Instead, he rolled me on top of him in a straddling position, as he once more decided to take my mouth. At this point, he could do anything to me as my body was at the mercy of his mischievous intentions.

“I want to hear your sweet voice,” he whispered in my ear as he deepened his thrusts. “Sing for me, my love.”

I wasn’t sure how my vocal cords would act upon his request, until he trapped my upper body and arms in his embrace and began driving into me with a supernatural speed and intensity. I didn’t have a choice but to succumb to an explosion of senses and cries. He was two steps ahead of whatever I would undergo. The man loved to play chess with my body. He bore his gaze in mine with his half-closed, sensual eyes as he reached his own climax.

Panting and removing sweaty strands of hair off my forehead, I noticed the unperturbed demeanor in front. “You didn’t even get tired,” I said, exasperated.

“I’ve been preparing to feast on you for years, Milady,” he said as he lay next to me.

“So every time we make love, you’ll resemble a model from a magazine cover while I look like a sweaty mess?”

“I’m planning on it.”

I punched his chest, though my fist was too limp to make a difference.

“I believe it is time for you to get your slumber. Otherwise, I won’t have anyone to ravish tomorrow.”

“You plan on doing the same thing tomorrow?”

“Only if you beg,” he said.

“You cocky scoundrel.” I pushed his chest, this time with less strength than before, if that was even possible.

“I love when you call me endearing names. But now it is time to sleep,” Gabriel said and kissed my forehead. “I must tend to a few matters downstairs.”

“I will not sleep until you return,” I said stubbornly.

“As you wish, my love,” he said.

I wasn’t sure if he said anything afterward as sleep whisked me away.

When I woke up, my sleepless knight wasn’t there. I cracked the door open and heard clamor downstairs. I tiptoed to the study, but I didn’t find him there. Only Shadow lay curled up in a fancy dog bed. He raised his head, barked at me once, and went back to rest. I went my merry way down the stairs, and once I stopped at the three-way conjunction of the staircase, I stopped. Something serious was happening. Many of the workers were debating fiercely over something I couldn’t discern. I felt unsure if I could bother them to ask about Gabriel, so I made a move to return. Then I remembered I had never visited the West Wing, and it seemed like Gabriel didn’t quite wish for me to look inside. It only made me more curious. Could it be one of his many surprises?

I tiptoed up the stairs leading to the West Wing and was greeted by a massive vault twice my height. “What did they hide inside it?” To my surprise, the vault’s door was open. I didn’t hesitate at the opportunity and entered. Inside, the massive room was filled with antique paintings, statues, and artifacts. Some looked decently new, but most looked old and in need of restoration. In the middle of it all, stood a curly-haired woman with her back turned, writing something on an iPad.

“Sire, I heard the Swiss Bank didn’t agree with our request. I’ll call them right away and sort it out. But first, I must verify the number of Rembrandts we have,” the curly-haired woman said and turned to face me.

Nothing could’ve prepared me to see the person standing before me. “Smaranda?” I asked, perplexed.

Chapter 8

"Good to see you once again, Milady. Or should I call you Your Majesty?” Smaranda asked as she approached me.
