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As I spoke, I had moved slowly towards her, leaving little doubt what I was thinking and what I meant in how I wanted the evening to end. She got up off the chair and stood in front of me.

“It wasn’t a date when you kissed me earlier?” she asked.

“That was an experiment. I needed to find out something, investigate it if you will. I would think a woman like yourself would appreciate that.”

She smiled and blushed a little but held my gaze. “I’ll give you that. If this was a meeting, then I would think our next time together should be a date. Do you agree?”

“Lexi, I will agree with whatever you want as long as it means I get to spend time with you.”

“Okay. Why don’t we change gears a bit, both literally and figuratively? You can come over to my place, when are you free?”

“How’s tomorrow night work for you?” I asked.

Chapter 16


The food was prepared and ready to be served. The table was set with a lovely red table cloth and settings that I had not gotten out in years. I had debated on whether or not to put out some candles and had decided on flowers instead, because I wanted some and they looked pretty on my table.

I felt a bit nervous as I put the finishing touches on the charcuterie plate and opened the wine to let it breathe. I had helped my parents run their restaurant, I knew how to cook, I had even cooked for a few boyfriends before, but this was different. I had never cooked for a man who ran a restaurant before, who had traveled the world and ate in the most incredible places, all so that he could perfect the most amazing dinner menu for his guests. A man who was a sommelier and while not technically a chef himself, he still knew a thing or two about food.

It had been an impulse to invite him to my place. I had been going to his restaurant, his space, his world. I wanted him to know a bit more about mine, about me. I wanted him to get away from his restaurant, his life, even for a little while and if I could give that to him at my place, then so be it.

With the restaurant just opening he hadn’t been able to get away for a few days. I told him I was in no rush and understood he was busy. He seemed to appreciate that I didn’t push and that might have been why he called me to say he would let Rosie handle the restaurant on Sunday evening so he could come over.

I had seen him a few times since our dinner at his restaurant. He had told his staff that I was writing an article on him and his restaurant and to answer any questions I might have. Most of the staff had been friendly but wary of me, which only showed what a good boss he was and how much they respected him and what he was doing. I was planning on having a photographer come and take some pictures later next week. I was still hoping to talk to his family too. I was learning more about him but I still need a better picture of the man. But all in all, the article was progressing nicely.

Georgia had given me an extension on the article after I told her the access I would have. She hadn’t been happy about it but I could tell she knew it was the right call. I still felt the need to get the article done quickly.

It was strange to be doing an article on a man I was seeing. At times, I felt like I was intruding on his life and what I was finding out. He didn’t seem to agree as he had been open and honest with me. I was sure everyone reported back to him about what we talked about. I told him if he wanted to see any of my notes or had any questions for me, all he had to do was ask. So far, he hadn’t. I wasn’t sure if it was because he didn’t want to know or if he trusted me. It might be a bit of both.

Tonight wasn’t about the article, or his restaurant, or anything else but him and me. It was one of the other reasons why I wanted him to come to my place. It was neutral territory for us and for our new relationship, or whatever it would be.

I liked him. He intrigued, confused, and excited me. Not only as a subject for an article but as a man I was attracted to. We had been able to put the article aside when we were having dinner and I wanted to do the same thing tonight. I wanted to talk to him without anything else hanging between us.

The knock on my door had me breaking from my thoughts. I smoothed down my dress as I walked to the door. My building didn’t have a doorman and I was sure someone had let JD into the apartment as they were leaving.

“Who’s there?” I asked as I looked in the peephole.

JD stood on the other side, wearing a pair of dark blue jeans and a green button up shirt. He ran his fingers through his hair as he answered me. I smiled as I went and opened up the door. For some reason, the gesture of him trying to make sure he was presentable only made him more endearing.

“The security in this building is atrocious,” he said as a way of hello.

“Hello to you too. Why don’t you come in?”

I stepped aside and let him into my apartment. It wasn’t much, but I didn’t need much. It was a one-bedroom apartment with a decent size kitchen, one I probably paid too much to have and was unheard of by New York standards, but I loved to cook. The living room was just big enough for one couch along the wall with the flat screen television on the opposite side. The coffee table between them took up most of the space. Though my pride and joy and favorite part of the apartment was a small nook in the corner that was just big enough for an oversized chair and lamp.

“Some guy just let me into the building. He had no idea who I was, or why I was here,” JD said as he walked to the kitchen.

“Maybe he didn’t think you were a serial killer because you were carrying flowers. Are those for me?”

“Oh yes. They are. I hope you like them.”

JD blushed slightly as he handed me the flowers and there was something about his look and the gesture that made me think that he had never given a woman flowers before. They were five sunflowers and looked bright, fresh, and beautiful.

“Thank you, they’re lovely,” I said and brought my head down to smell them.

“I’m glad you like them. They seemed unusual, strong, and yet beautiful. Kind of like you,” he said.
