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“I think he needed to prove to himself that he could be as good as our father. He needed to know that he was the right person for the job and not because he was the only child who wanted it. He’s proven that, more to himself, because we knew it already. I think he would have worked himself into the ground if not for Morgan. IT might be why Dad set them up, sort of,” I said.

“Set them up?”

I laughed as I remembered the story. “You remember about a year ago when Walker was accused of getting a woman pregnant and refusing to support her or the baby?” I asked.

“There might have been a thing or two in the news that I caught,” she said with a half-smile.

“Morgan was put in charge of helping him with the PR disaster that it was. It was how they met. She suggested that in order to make him look more like a family man, or a man who wouldn’t leave his baby and baby momma, that they start dating. It began as a bit of a show, but then it quickly turned into something more. As you can see.”

“How was your dad involved?”

“He was the one who actually suggested Morgan work with Walker and even put it in her head about them pretending to date.”

“So, a little like how you and I got together,” she said.

“Not the same. Dad didn’t set us up. I think we just got lucky in that you were assigned to the story. I might have been trying to find a way to ask you out without actually asking you out, hence the whole pretend dating thing,” I said.

“Do you mean you didn’t want to get rid of Lizbeth? You weren’t man enough to just ask me out on your own?” she teased.

“I would think you would agree that I’m plenty man enough for you,” I said and thumped my chest for emphasis and Lexi laughed.

“So far.”

I let out a shocked sound and turned and tickled her. She shrieked with laughter and surprise and tried to wiggle out of my grasp. I continued to tickle her as I repeated “so far?” over and over again.

When I stopped, we were both breathless and her hair had come out of her ponytail and fell onto her face. I reached up and gently brushed her hair away and looked down at her. She was still giggling a little bit and her breathing was labored. Her eyes locked on mine and there must have been something about my look because she stopped giggling immediately.

My heart skipped a few beats as I looked at her. There was something about the moment, about hearing her laugh and how it made me so happy. It was wonderful to have her in my arms, and the knowledge that I would hold her in my bed that night that just did something to me.

“Or I was just so enamored with you that I needed to come up with any excuse so that I could convince myself I could be with you,” I said.

“I’m glad you did.”

“Me too.”

I moved my hands behind her hair and tugged on it slightly. I watched transfixed as her eyes got a little hazy with desire. My body instantly became hard for her and I moved my mouth and hovered it over hers. Her hands reached across me and to my butt and up my back as she pulled me closer to her.

“So very glad,” I whispered.

My mouth pressed up against her and she let out a soft moan as her hands tightened around me. Her lips immediately parted and my tongue dove inside, needing to taste her and feel her tongue next to mine. My hands gripped her hair tighter as the kiss intensified and she rubbed her body up against me. Our tongues moved and danced and I pushed myself up against her. I needed to be closer to her, I needed to feel all of her.

The sound of a horn honking and a man yelling, “Get a room!” broke us from our kiss and we stepped back from each other. We both laughed as we realized what we had been doing and where we had been doing it.

“Shall we continue this where I can do all the things I’ve wanted to do to you all night?” I asked.

“Most definitely,” she said.

Chapter 22


“Yes. Yes. Just like that!” JD said.

His hands were on my hips as I rode him. He was lying on his back, his perfectly chiseled chest, strong arms, and broad shoulders were on full display for me, as my breasts were for him.

JD had come to my apartment after he finished work. It had been late and I guess I had been too tired to do anything as I had woken up with him lying naked beside me. I had no recollection of him getting there and certainly no memory of us making love the night before.

He had been sleeping soundly beside me but I had woken up wanting him. I could have let him sleep but I had other, better ideas and by how he was smiling up at me and how hard he was inside me, he was in complete agreement.
