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“That’s your problem not mine. I suggest you get in here, now. Otherwise, you can find yourself another job.”

“I’ll be there as soon as I can.” I said with a sigh and ended the call.

“That didn’t sound good. What did the beast want?” JD asked, using the nickname he had given to Georgia.

He was standing in the doorway of my bedroom, completely naked. I wasn’t sure if he did it to distract me and make me smile, or if he had forgotten that he wasn’t wearing any clothes. Either way, I was admiring the view and it did make me feel better.

“She wants me to come into the office to show her what I have of the article,” I said.

“But you aren’t done yet. You haven’t even started writing it,” he said.

“She seemed anxious and annoyed. Something must have happened with the higher ups or another article fell through because she wants the article to run this week. I should head in before she acts on her threat and fires me,” I said.

“What are you going to show her?”

“My notes, my interviews, my thoughts on the article. I was still formulating it in my head, and honestly, it’s practically written,” I admitted.

“You can do that?” he asked and crossed his arms.

Somehow the move only made him look sexier and my eyes roamed below his waist. He let out a soft laugh when he saw where my eyes landed. I closed my eyes and then slowly lifted my head and opened them to look at his face, and only his face.

“Yes. From the moment I was assigned the article, I knew somewhat of how it would go. As I got more and more information, it kept building in my mind. It wouldn't take me very long to write it.”

“Then do that,” he said.

“Do what?” I asked.

“Write it. If that’s what the beast is looking for then give her what she wants. If she was trying to throw you off so she can kick you off the article, as you are worried she’s going to do, you’d stop her before she could. If she’s trying to take credit for all your work by taking over the article, she can’t if you’ve already written it.”

I didn’t answer him but my mind started to think of the article and what I would write. It wouldn’t take much to do it. When I was going between interviews or even simply just riding on the subway, my brain was always going on how the article would go.

“Georgia would be pissed if I was late, especially if it’s because I took the time to write the article.”

“Even more reason to do it,” he said with a smile.

“You’re a bad influence.”

“Absolutely,” he said and I laughed.

He walked toward me, still completely, gloriously, naked and as sure of himself as if he was wearing a five-thousand-dollar suit. I watched him, taking in his chiseled abs, his firm chest, his muscular arms, his athletic legs, and broad shoulders. He was one fine specimen of a man and it still amazed me at times that he was sleeping with me.

“Why do I get the feeling that you want to be even more of a bad influence?”

“Would I do that?” he asked as he dropped a kiss along the side of my neck.

I closed my eyes and gave into the feeling of his lips on my skin and the anticipation of what else might happen. I bunched my hands at my side, knowing that if I lifted them and touched him, I wouldn’t leave my apartment anytime soon.

“You aren’t helping me leave here,” I said breathlessly.

“Was I supposed to?” he asked and kissed the other side of my neck.

“It would be nice.”

“I thought you didn’t like it when I was nice,” he teased.

“In bed, definitely. When I need to get to work or risk losing my job, not so much.”

I made no move to leave him or his mouth. I could feel him smiling into my neck as he lifted his head and sucked on my earlobe. His hands went to my hips and he pushed me up against his front. I felt his erection strong and hard between my legs.
