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“Have you decided who you want to hire?” Amber asks.

I’m seated at my desk as Amber places a big stack of resumes in front of me. This is the part of the job I hate the most. When I said I wanted new, non-Hollywood-tainted blood to work on my latest project, I was hoping I wouldn’t have anything to do with the hiring process.

I groan. “Do I have to do it now?” I don’t necessarily have anything more important to do, but I’d rather not have to make this decision right now. Especially if it involves whether or not I should hire Mia. Her qualifications tell me she’s the right way to go, but my concern that this is all one big prank has me so full of doubt. But they wouldn’t gothisfar, would they?

“The candidates were informed we would have a decision by the end of the day,” Amber reminds me.

Okay, okay. I get it.

I let out a sigh and pick up the top resume. I pass it over to Amber. “This one.”

I comb through the stack some more, pulling out one after the other the candidates I liked. I’m pleased to say there were some very promising options this time around. Most of them are fresh out of college or have made a random switch into entertainment from another industry. As far as I know, none of them have any current association with Hollywood. Only Mia has worked an actual job in entertainment, but she isn’t a big name. Oraname at all, which meets my prerequisites for hiring.

“And the fifth candidate?” Amber asks when we’re down to the final one.

I pick up the two resumes from the candidates I’m most interested in. One is a film school graduate who’s an aspiring producer, and the other is Mia. The film student has the aspirations I’m seeking but has a lousy attitude. Mia is quick-witted while this other girl was simply irritating.

Yet my mind is full of questions I still want to ask Mia. Not only regarding the logic and the reasoning behind her running out on her own wedding, because that’ll certainly be helpful, but also her decision to apply for an internship. There are plenty of project manager positions she can apply for. It might take a few weeks, maybe even months, to secure a job, but with her qualifications, it’s definitely possible.

My heart drops to my stomach. Could that be the reason she’s applying? She needed a job ASAP? Is she in some kind of financial trouble? Did that ex of hers kick her to the curb and left her without a place to go?

I shake my head. I shouldn’t get invested in her life like this. Whatever is going on in her personal life is irrelevant to the internship. But again, her outstanding qualifications are too good to pass up. She’s truly the best candidate for the job.

My eyes dart back and forth between their headshots in the corner of their resumes until I hand one of the resumes to Amber. “This one.”

She glances at it, then nods. “Good choice.” She adds the resume to the rest of the stack she has cradled in her arms. “I’ll go ahead and give the candidates a call then.”

I toss the other resume onto the remaining stack on my desk, which Amber picks up to take off my hands.

“Oh, and Amber?” I say as she starts for the door. She turns around to face me. “Please make sure to assign Amelia Barnett to me.”

She gives me a single nod. “You’ve got it, Mr. Cogswell.”

Once Amber leaves, I lean back in my chair and let out an exhausted exhale. It’s only three o’clock in the afternoon, but I’m ready to go home.

While I do think Mia is the best person for the job, Imustalso make sure this really is all one big coincidence. And the only way I can do that is if I keep her close. Having her personally assist me will allow me to really get to the bottom of her true intentions.

Mia Barnett, for the next four weeks…you’re mine.

Chapter 7


Mia,whydon’tyoujust tell me how you’re doing? Just because Kristen and I slept together a few times, doesn’t mean I stopped caring about you.Michael texts.

I let out a groan as the frustration kicks in. After his initial frustration subsided, Michael has been trying to get hold of me, one way or another. But if I getonemore message from him this morning, I just might lose it. Especially considering it’s my first day at my new internship. I really can’t have this pathetic excuse of a man blowing up my phone like this. It’s embarrassing. And distracting.

When I arrive on the eleventh floor, the other four candidates are already standing by the circulation desk. I give everyone a friendly smile, then join them.

To my surprise, I’m not the oldest candidate here. I’d say I’m smack dab in the middle as far as age goes, although the woman on the phone kept insisting I was the most qualified, and that she was glad her boss chose me.

We don’t have to wait in awkward silence for too long, because moments after I arrive, Amber approaches us. She’s in her early thirties with shoulder-length red hair and a mousy face. She’s short and looks well-mannered, but I can tell she’s far from gentle.

“Good morning, everyone,” she says with a polite nod.

“Good morning,” we all say back.

“My name is Amber Silas. I’m Carter Cogswell’s assistant. Right now, though, I’m going to give you a quick tour of the Cogswell Production offices. Our company occupies several floors in this building, but the five of you will mostly need to familiarize yourself with the eleventh floor.” She gestures for us to follow her toward the elevators. “We’ll start by taking a brief tour of the bottom floors and work our way up. Once we’re back on the eleventh floor, you five will join your executive.”
