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“Do you know who I’ve been assigned to?” I ask, trying my best to act cordial.

He leans in closer to me and smirks. “You bet I do,” he says and walks into his office.

Chapter 8


I’vegotyourightwhere I want you.

While it isn’t my intention to come across like some villain of a poorly paced superhero origin story, when I woke up this morning, I decided that I’m down to join in on whatever game Mia is playing. If this is all a ploy, I’ve been through it before. As long as I remain alert, I’ll get down to the truth sooner rather than later. And if it’s not…

Once Mia joins me in my office, I shut the door and head over to my desk. I gesture toward the white three-seater couch adjacent to me. “Go ahead and take a seat.”

I pick up a folder from my desk, and when I turn around, Mia is situated on the far end of the couch.

“Did you really work at Studio 42 Productions?” I ask, and she nods. “Did you really quit?”

“Doesn’t it say so on my resume?” she quips, and it’s about the sassiest I've ever heard her.

“It does.”

“Then why are you asking? Why do you care so much? It was my choice to leave, and it had nothing to do with my performance there.”

She rests her hands on her knees. I can’t help but eye her bare skin. Her legs are toned, but only enough to make it obvious that she works out.

I sweep my eyes back up at her. “Because you left without any way for me to reach you. I’ve been wondering how everything turned out.”

She furrows her brows. “You were curious about me?”

“Don’t get a big head about it,” I snap. “You were running down Columbus Circle in a freaking wedding dress. Anybody would have wondered what became of you.”

“I suppose you’re right,” she says with a nod of her head. “But that still doesn’t give you the right to pry about it. Unless you’ve heard something.”

I jerk my head back. “What could I have possibly heard?”

Now that I think about it, I probably could have searched “runaway bride”on social media, and something about her would have come up. So many people were filming her that day. It’s a shame I didn’t think to do it, see what came up about her and figure out if that publicity might negatively affect the TV show when it airs.

But on the other hand, things like this always blow out online and on TV nowadays. The fact that this didn’t…This is more like Peyton’s style; waiting for the right moment to create a scandal.

“I’m not sure how connected you are in the entertainment world. Someone could easily be spreading lies about me that might have gotten back to you,” Mia says with a shrug.

I raise a brow. “I take it your ex isn’t handling the breakup well?”

Mia throws her hands over her face. “Are my problemsthatobvious? Or are you just good at figuring things out?”

“Maybe a bit of both,” I admit. I mean, Idotell stories for a living. Always being one step ahead of the audience is basically my life’s work.

I take a seat on the opposite end of the couch. “If it eases your nerves, I haven’t heard anything about you, from anyone. All I know is what’s on your resume. And what you told me back at Lenox Hill.”

She lowers her head. “Then you know quite a bit,” she says with a light chuckle, but I can tell by how low her energy has become that she’s got a lot on her mind.

“Hey, you better not start crying at work,” I say. “Your mascara isn’t waterproof.”

She snorts but doesn’t comment on her disheveled look the first time we met.

“Anyway, here’s the project we’ll be working on.” I toss the folder on the marble coffee table in front of her.

She eyes me curiously, then picks up the folder. When she reads the working title of the series, her eyes widen so much that they look like they could fall right out of her sockets. “Runaway Bride Streaming Series?”
