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When my parents and Fred got here, I was already in hair and makeup, so Mom was the only member of my family I’ve seen so far. Both Dad and Fred are in black suits. They never intend to dress similarly, but they always end up looking like twins due to their lack of style. It doesn’t help that they both have the same thick, unkempt brown hair. Fred always has his nose in an engineering textbook, so I understand why he rarely maintains his appearance, but this is simply just Dad’s look.

This morning, though, I requested my hairstylist to give them a good groom before we headed to the church. Both Dad’s and Fred’s hair is slicked back without a strand out of place. I’ve never seen either of them look so dashing.

Mom follows in shortly after him in her purple knee-length satin dress. I think I catch some tears in her eyes, but she masterfully hides them. “You’re the loveliest bride, honey.”

Dad embraces me in one of his big bear hugs. “Mia, you’ve never looked more radiant.”

I eye Fred, who hasn’t uttered a word since he joined Mom and Dad beside me. “Go ahead,” I tell him. “Rip one into me.”

Fred shakes his head. “You look absolutely stunning, big sis. For once in your life.”

I nudge his arm playfully. Fred may tease me constantly, but he’s just as protective of me as Ava is. Plus, he’s my little brother. He’s the only one I allow to crack jokes at my expense.

“We better get going, or you’ll be late,” Dad says, rubbing my arm. He turns to Mom. “Let’s go, Helen.”

“Being fashionably late never hurts, Mr. Barnett,” Ava says. “Not in Manhattan, at least.”

“You’re riding with Mom, Dad, and me, right?” Fred asks.

I shake my head. “Actually, I think I will take a separate car after all. It’ll give me a chance to clear my head before everything.”

My brother tilts his head to the side and analyzes my face with concerned eyes. I hate when he gets like this. Like I’m hiding something from him.

I huff and swat at his shoulder. “Why are you looking at me like that? Anyone in my shoes would be nervous.”

He smiles, but I can still sense his worry. “I know. See you at the church.” He turns around and follows behind my parents, who make their way out of my bedroom and toward the living room. My bridesmaids are next to leave until it’s only Ava and I left.

“I’ll take your bag for you,” she says, picking it off the table and tossing the strap over her shoulder. “Just take your phone in case you need to get a hold of one of us.”

I nod. With nowhere to put my phone—unless I stuff it in my boobs—I hold onto it awkwardly.

As I start for the door, Ava catches onto my wrist. “Do you need anything else before we head out?”

“I’m good,” I say and flash her a big smile.

I attempt to spot anything unusual in her tone just in case she’s pulling a Fred, but Ava seems genuine. My shoulders relax. At leastshegets why I’m sweating a bit more than usual. She knows me better than anyone.

“More than good,” she assures me. “You’re well on your way to becoming Mrs. Michael Albrecht.”

We head out to the front of my brownstone, where three black SUVs are waiting for us. It looks like my parents and Fred have already gotten into one while my bridesmaids are climbing into the backseat of the car behind them. The car saved for me is leading the front of the line.

Ava catches onto the train of my gown, escorts me to my car, and opens the door for me. I slide into the backseat while she stuffs my train into the car.

Once I’m situated, Ava turns to the bridesmaids’ car to make sure it hasn’t taken off yet. “I better get going then,” she says.

“Good luck,” I whisper, and we exchange knowing glances.

She shuts my door, then disappears behind us.

I clench my phone a bit tighter as I watch the other two cars leave. The bride is supposed to arrive last, after all.

“Are you ready to go, miss?” my driver asks.

As soon as I nod, he pulls onto the street and starts toward the church. I release an exhale and rest my back against my seat, peering out the window to pass the time.

My phone vibrates in my hand, and I jump slightly. When I check my notifications, it appears that someone from an unknown number has sent me a text with a video attached.

“Sorry you have to find out this way…”the text below the video reads.
