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“Is that the only reason you had me come all the way out here?” I ask. “Because quite frankly, your flirting is so bad, it hurts.”

He chuckles. Glad he at least has a sense of humor, even if I’m not joking. “Actually, there’s a park nearby that’s perfect for filming.” He takes my hand in his. “Let me show you.”

I know I should pull my hand away, but I’m enjoying the way he’s leading me toward the front exit. Carter doesn’t make me feel like he’s in control. In fact, I feel like I hold just as much power as he does. If we were a couple, we would be an equal match. A true partnership.

What am I thinking?

I shake my head of those thoughts as we turn the corner on our way toward his car. I shouldnotbe considering what it would be like to be in a relationship with Carter. At all. But I can’t help but notice how perfectly my hand fits in his. And when he opens the passenger’s side of the door and helps me slide into his car, I find myself forgetting all the reasons why I’m holding my no-fucking-my-boss rule.

No one has ever looked at me the way Carter does. Even when he eyes me like he wants to ravish me, his eyes still command so much admiration and respect for me. It’s unlike anything I’ve ever experienced before. I would be crazy if I said I didn’t love everything about it.

Shit. I’m screwed. Very,veryscrewed.

Chapter 14



I dragged her along to Club Harmony, hoping I could catch them all in a trap, with the intention of confirming they looped Mia in on their publicity ruse. Despite all the signs, and even my own research, a small part of me wanted so badly to believe someone like Mia couldn’t be real.

“Wow, this is breathtaking,” she says when we arrive at our destination.

We’re standing in a secluded part of Carl Schurz Park, an easy walking distance away from Club Harmony. Lush greenery surrounds us, and there’s a stone bridge with an archway to our left.

I slide my hands into my pockets as I watch Mia admire the circular stone garden in the center of the open pavement. “It’s stunning, isn’t it?”

“It’s way better than where I was supposed to get married,” she says, her voice growing quiet as she brushes her hand against one of the daisies growing in the garden.

“I picked this setting, so of course it’s going to be more meaningful than what that ex of yours chose.” I say, as if that church wasn’t gorgeous, too.

“I’ve always wanted an outdoor wedding,” she says, peering out toward the bridge.

I nod even though her back is turned to me. “I remember you mentioning that. That’s why I secured this place.” I stroll over to her, feeling proud of myself for finding a filming location I knew she’d love. “Why don’t you tell me all about your dream wedding, so we can replicate it?”

Mia doesn’t say anything to that. She doesn’t even look at me. Instead, she lowers her head and starts crying.

I remove my hands from my pockets, but I have no idea how I could possibly comfort her. I’m not sure if she’d allow me to put my hand on her shoulders or if she’d get annoyed by me. She seemed into me holding her by her waist earlier, but that was different. She was in a flirtier mood then. If I touch her now, she might scream at me.

“Are you okay?” I settle on asking.

She wipes the tears from her cheeks. “I’m sorry, Carter. I didn’t think this would bother me as much as it does.”

I step closer to her but still keep my hands to myself. “What’s bothering you?”

“This.” She gestures toward the park. “This is the perfect place to get married. Looking at it reminds me too much of how wrong of a partner Michael was for me.”

I furrow my brows. “Isn’t that a good thing?”

Honestly? That’s exactly what I was hoping for. I want her to see how lame that ex of hers is, so she can truly acknowledge what’s in front of her.

“You’d think it would be,” she says, still sniffling. When she lifts her chin, her cheeks are flushed, and her mascara is a little smudged. God, she looks so beautiful when she cries. “I don’t even know why I’m crying.”

Fuck. I had no idea how insensitive this all could come off until now. “Shit, Mia. I’m really sorry,” I say. “I guess I’m taking all your input for the script a little too far.”

She shakes her head. “It isn’t your fault. I’m the one who told you all of those things. I already told you, you’re free to use it for the series.”

I sigh. “But I shouldn’t just steal your life for a fucking TV show,” I say. “Your experiences are worth more to me than that.”
