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I clear my throat. “I don’t mean to pry, but I did overhear a bit of your conversation with Michael last night.”

I hate to be straightforward about it, but I admit I started to worry as soon as I heard Michael bring my name into the conversation. If those photos get released, they won’t only humiliate Mia and potentially risk her career. They might put the show in jeopardy. That would be bad for both of us.

“Do you think he’ll release those photos?” I ask.

She shakes her head as she swallows her food. “Probably not. He cares more about his pride than he does about humiliating me.”

I take a sip of my coffee. “But if it goes hand in hand?”

“It’ll embarrass him just as much,” she says, and she sounds certain of it. She does know him better than I do, but something tells me we shouldn’t let our guard down. “I’m sorry you got dragged into this. I had no idea people were taking pictures of us. I thought it was just of me.”

I take her hand in mine. “It’s not your fault. After last night, I’m glad you ran out on him. He deserved it.” I sweep my eyes toward Mia’s. “He didn’t deserve you.”

She releases my hand, and it’s like her entire energy shifts from playful to awkward again. “I should get going.”

I breathe out a laugh as I observe her pick up her now empty plate and coffee mug. She crosses over to the sink to place the dishes away.

“Mia?” I say, and she looks up. “You don’t have a car.”

She freezes, then turns the faucet on to wash her hands. “I can take the subway.”

I roll my eyes as I collect my dishes and join her at the sink. “I can get a long-term rental for you,” I say. “While you work for me. I need my employees to have reliable transportation.”

She purses her lips. “I’d rather not.”

I tug at the bottom of my sweatshirt she’s wearing. “Why not?”

“Because.” She lifts her chin so our eyes meet. “I don’t like handouts. Especially from men. It never leads to anything good.”

I dip my head closer to hers. “Don’t be stubborn,” I insist. “I’m nothing like Michael. We’re not in a relationship, and even if we were, I wouldn’t do anything to try to control you.”

Her lips curl into a frown at the wordrelationship. I didn’t think she was that sensitive to the word, but I suppose her breakup is still fresh. I’m sure romance isn’t exactly the first thing on her mind right now.

I probably owe her my honesty right about now. “Mia, I hope this doesn’t offend you, but I’m not looking for anything serious right now.” I rub the back of my neck. “Committed relationships aren’t really my thing.”

She lets out an exhale that’s full of relief. “Oh, good. Neither am I.”

I furrow my brows. “What?”

I don’t think a woman has ever sounded this overjoyed to learn I’m only interested in something casual. Something about it doesn’t sit right with me.

She must sense my discomfort because she crosses her arms over her chest and laughs. “It’s nothing against you, Carter. I simply havenointention of jumping into another relationship anytime soon.”

Why do I get the impression that she wants to add “or ever” to that sentence?

“Besides, work is my number one priority,” she says, brushing a strand of auburn hair behind her ear. “That’s all I want to focus my time and energy on right now.”

I can’t say I blame her for being blunt with me. I was the one who initiated the talk. But it’s good that we both want the same thing. It should mean there won’t be any hard feelings between us.

I nod. “It’s good that we’re on the same page. We should keep this a one-time thing.”

“I agree,” she says too easily. Jesus, why is this bothering me so much?

I clear my throat. “Since we’re in agreement, and you’re already here, perhaps we can make it a two-time thing.”

“Already going back on your word?” she says, brushing her lips against mine.

“I can’t help it,” I breathe. “Not when you look this good wearing my sweater.”
