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His expression softens, and his shoulders relax as we pull into the driveway of his two-story mansion. He kills the engine, removes his seatbelt, and faces me.

“Thanks,” he says, my hand still in his. “Come here.”

“May I help you?” I say with a seductive smirk.

“You absolutely may.” He leans in and plants the sweetest kiss on my lips.

I release a soft moan, ready for the night ahead of us once we get inside. Suddenly, I forget all the reasons why I didn’t think Carter and I would make it past Monaco. Why on earth would I possibly give up his soft lips, his tantalizing touch? I must have really been flustered and confused by the events leading up to our trip.

Through the corner of my eye, I spot a blue sports car pulling up to the front of the house. Carter must notice it, too, because he breaks away from our kiss, then mouths a few profanities under his breath.

“Fuck. They found me.”

“Your parents?” I ask, scooting away from Carter’s embrace. The last thing I want is for them to catch on that we were just making out in his car.

He peers at them as they get out of the car, cowering behind his seat so they can’t see him.

“Now I’m starting to think you have a warrant out for your arrest,” I say.

“Maybe they won’t see us.”

I cross my arms over my chest. “Should I leave?”

Carter sighs. “There’s no need for you to leave. Come on, let’s get out.”

He’s the first to step out of the car, and I wait for him to open my side of the door and help me out. Not because I expect the princess treatment, but because I'm nervous as hell. It’s been a long time since I’ve met a guy’s parents, much less a man I’m not in a serious commitment with.

“Hey, Mom. Dad,” Carter says, his tone flat.

“Carter,” his dad says with a boastful laugh as he strolls up the driveway. He’s the spitting image of Carter; only he has a bit more wrinkles and thin-rimmed glasses. He’s actually pretty handsome himself. “You’re one tough guy to get in touch with.”

“Is that why you’re showing up unannounced?” Carter says, booming with sarcasm.

“Oh, come on, honey,” his mom says, standing a full foot below her husband. Unlike Carter, her hair is dark brown, and her eyes are green. She’s stunning. “We’re your parents,” she says. “Do we need to go through your assistant in order to spend time with our son?”

“It would be nice,” Carter says with a sigh.

His father’s attention shifts to me. “Who’s this?”

“This is Mia,” Carter says, setting his hand on my lower back. “Mia, these are my parents, Noah and Charlotte Cogswell.”

Ah, therealMr. and Mrs. Cogswell.

Noah is the first to reach out and give my hand a shake. “What’s your last name, Mia?”

“Here we go…” Carter says with a roll of his eyes.

“Barnett,” I say, feigning confidence. My stomach turns as both of their expressions morph into frowns.

“Oh,” Charlotte says. “You’reMia Barnett.”

I put on a bright smile as I shake her hand. “Does my reputation precede me?”

“We knew you worked for Carter, but we didn’t think you were…close.” Noah clears his throat as he slides his hands into the pockets of his khaki pants.

“I suppose that explains why he nearly got thrown in jail for defending you,” Charlotte adds.

Thrown in jail? Isn’t that a tad bit dramatic? I see where Carter gets it from.
