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The entire time we’re speaking, the perp is continuing to yell and scream out false claims about the severity of his injuries. I roll my eyes. What a ridiculous baby. He’s tough until a woman takes him down. Suddenly, he’s crying foul. I want to kick him all over again.

Once the officer gets all of my information, he thanks me for my time and assures me my actions were completely justifiable. “Based on your statement and what evidence we see here, it appears this is clearly self-defense. We’ll conduct a thorough investigation, but I don’t think you have anything to worry about.”

I smile. I wasn’t worried. There are a lot of people who saw the man pull a knife on me. I’m well aware of my family, though, and once people know I’m an Anderson they will try to turn any situation around, seeing dollar signs in their eyes. The officer and I move back over to the criminal and Hunter. The man is still shouting.

“Sir, you’re under arrest for attempted theft and assault. You have the right to remain silent, you have the right to an attorney...” The officer continues to read the man his rights as he wails and glares at me.

“You bitch. You did this to me. I’ll get you back,” he shouts as the officers begin to lead him away.

“Come visit anytime,” I call back and feel Hunter’s arm around me. I look at him and he shakes his head as he leans toward me.

“Quit poking the bear,” he demands. I smile. I feel dang good right now.

“It’s just an itty-bitty tiny poke,” I tell him in my sweetest voice possible. He can’t help himself, he laughs. I love that he accepts me for who I am. He’s never tried to change me. I can be sweet, but I’m full of a lot of spice too.

“It’s a sad day when I feel sorrier for a perp that the woman I love,” he says as he continues to chuckle. “That man never stood a chance.”

A happy flush washes over me. I love my strength, love that I’ve taken it so seriously since I started. I’m not so arrogant as to think anyone can never take me down, but I’m smart enough to be aware of my strength and not panic. Hunter pulls me into his arms and I enjoy the warmth of being wrapped in his embrace.

When I pull back, I’m still smiling. “I’m finding myself, Hunter. Each new day I find myself more. It’s because of you. I needed to be in Seattle, but I needed to come back here. I love my family, and I love my independence. I’m starting to realize I can have it all.”

“There’s nothing you can’t have. I realize the same for me. We’re a great team, Jasmine, and together we can do anything.”

I wrap up against him again, then he kisses me. There are a few catcalls, but I don’t care. Right here and now, it’s only Hunter and me. We’re going to continue this epic journey we’re on, and we’re going to have a hell of a lot of fun while we’re on it.



I stand outside the vibrant salsa club in downtown Miami, eagerly waiting for my friends to arrive. Tonight is about fun, and only fun. There’s no crime fighting, no chasing stories, no medical traumas, and no memory loss. I hear the music thumping and the rhythmic beats of Latin tunes emanating from inside. The tantalizing aroma of delicious Cuban food is also wafting through the air, making my stomach grumble, reminding me I haven’t eaten since early this morning.

It seems like forever, but soon Ember walks up with Mora and Phillip, and then I see Hunter jogging down the street toward us. Everyone looks happy to be out. I love Ember with her dark, exotic looks and mile-long legs. Mora is a short, beautiful, spicy spitfire. Her confidence makes me stronger. She’s so dang strong and smart. Phillip is a perfect partner for her, protective, but not overly so.

It’s Hunter who has all of my attention, though. He’s strong, doesn’t speak too much when the girls are together, and has so much compassion and love for his friends that he’s a true joy to be with. His swagger has heads turning, and I take pride in knowing he’s mine.

“Jasmine, this is a perfect idea,” Ember exclaims as she throws her arms around me, and gives me a hug. “I only get to be here for a few days before I have to get back to my story, but I can’t stand being on opposite sides of the country from each other any longer.”

I hug her back. “I know what you mean. I’m not sure where I’m going to be next week, but this feels like home right now. I’m healing, and it’s all good.”

“Yes, it is. Philip and I need to get back to Africa, but we couldn’t do that without spending some much-needed time with you,” Mora says.

“Going out and dancing have been the highlights of my time in Miami. I’m so glad you guys are here,” I tell them. Clubbing without my friends wouldn’t be the same.

We enter the club, the atmosphere enveloping us with its warmth and soft lighting. The room’s adorned with colorful decorations and packed with people swaying and twirling on the dance floor or sitting around tables, talking, laughing, and drinking. We move through the crowd to the VIP section and are quickly let in. It’s not much quieter, but at least we can sit and drink, and definitely eat without having to wait too long.

We settle in and the waitress immediately appears and takes our order. We soon each have a glass in our hands and hold them up.

“Cheers to a night of fun, laughter, dancing, and forgetting all about any troubles we might think we have,” Mora says. We clink our glasses together as we shout out our cheers.

Ember leans back in her chair, a mischievous glint in her eyes. “Okay, Jazz, have you taken down any criminals in the last few days. I haven’t seen you on the local news lately.”

Everyone laughs and I grin back as I sip my delicious drink. I look over my shoulder awaiting food. I really am hungry. “Well, I saw an article about a masked vigilante saving a group of hostages from a gang hideout. The authorities are calling him The Shadow because he seemed to disappear into thin air as soon as the rescue was over,” I tell them.

Everyone’s smiles fade as they look at me in shock. “Really?” Mora asks.

“Do you know who it is?” Phillip asks as he leans forward, utterly fascinated. “Is he working alone or with others?”

“No one really knows at this point, but I might have an idea or two about whoThe Shadowis,” I say with a knowing smirk. “Every hero has a story behind his actions.”
