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“It’s Smoke, isn’t it?” Hunter asks. Even he doesn’t know about this.

“I will never share my knowledge. I just happen to find the story fascinating.”

There are several groans from the table. They know how stubborn I am and when they aren’t going to get more info from me, even under the threat of torture.

“Fine, speaking of stories, while I’ve been here, I’ve researched some groundbreaking medical miracles. There are some doctors in a remote village in South American who claim to have discovered a plant that can heal cancer. It’s already said to have cured some diseases deemed incurable with modern medicine. You know I love modern medicine, but there’s something about going back to nature that can heal the body unlike anything else. I’m sick of young people dying for no logical reason.”

Everyone turns to Mora, amazed at this new discovery, their interest piqued. “Man, Mora, if this is true it could revolutionize the medical field. Imagine how much healthier so many people could live. Is going to South America in your near future?”

“I want to go now, but we need to finish our time in Africa,” Phillip says, his eyes glowing with excitement. “This new medicine could change the lives of so many. We’ll probably spend a minimum of a year there.”

Ember jumps in with excitement. “I want to go with you. Let’s follow the trail of the miracle plant and bring hope to those who need it most. This is better than bringing down criminal politicians any day of the week.”

“Hey, what you do is important,” I assure her.

“I know it is, but it’s not nearly as rewarding as saving people’s lives,” she says.

“You save lives every time you take a crooked politician off the streets. The power and stretch of politicians reach millions. We all need to focus on our skills, and together we can save the world,” I tell her.

Our food arrives and the conversation pauses as we stuff our faces. I’m not the only one who’s hungry. After a few minutes of eating, listening to music, and emptying our glasses, the conversation returns, one topic effortlessly flowing into another, blending stories of rescues, heroism, medical miracles, and thrilling investigations. We laugh, we debate, and we share dreams of a greater and better tomorrow. We’re a tight group, and we’ll be friends for life.

When the music reaches a crescendo, the dance floor calls to us. With boundless energy we leave our seats and surrender ourselves to the rhythm of the Latin music.

I lead the way, swaying my hips to the pulsating beats. Ember joins me, her movements as fiery as her sassy personality. Mora, who always relaxes after a few drinks, lets loose, allowing the music to pull her into almost a trance.

Phillip’s gentle presence surprises me when he whips up some sexy moves of his own, making us all stop and look at him as he shakes his hips and raises his hands in the air. Mora laughs in delight as she throws her arms around his neck and sways her hips against his.

Hunter, who usually doesn’t let loose in such a large crowd, can’t resist the atmosphere or the lure of dancing. He effortlessly blends into the rhythm of the music and dances away with us, abandoning his stoic persona.

Right now, we’re free from the weight of the world, free from my medical problems, free from work. We’re sharing a love of the beautiful life we get to live together and the promise of more adventures soon to come. With every spin and twirl, we find solace in being together and the inspiration of shared dreams.

As the night continues, our dancing grows more energetic. Mora and I notice a few bold men attempting to join our group on the dance floor. With playful smiles, we exchange knowing looks and decide to play a little.

One man with slicked back hair and a confident swagger in his half-unbuttoned shirt approaches me, extending his hand. “Dance with me, senorita.”

“As tempting an offer as this is, I’m a taken woman,” I tell him with a little wave. I gesture over at Hunter who looks up in time to give the man a stern look, telling him to back off. The man hangs his head.

“My loss,” he says as he slinks away.

I turn to see Mora being twirled in a circle by an enthusiastic dancer in a very vibrant outfit with flashy moves. She laughs as she spins in a circle. Philip is standing by with his arms crossed, an amused expression on his lips. He’s not worried. His love with Mora is endless and no Latin lover is going to sweep her off her feet.

After the man spins Mora one more time, she leans close, then points over at Phillip. The man pouts as she walks away from him and straight into her lover’s arms. Phillip is more than happy to pull her close and kiss her, showing every man in the club she’s a taken woman. Mora looks quite pleased by the show of possession.

Turning to find Ember, I see her engrossed in a dance with a charming stranger. He’s wearing an infectious smile, and his movements match the rhythm of the music. Ember seems to be having a blast. I worry about her because she’s been hurt again and again in the game of love.

The two of them glide across the dance floor and I smile as Hunter moves up behind me, wrapping me in his arms. He knows I’m worried about my friend. I like to keep an eye on her, make sure no one takes advantage of her caring heart. There’s no doubt that she’s tough, but she has a heart three times the size of most people, making her vulnerable.

Eventually the song ends, and Ember and her partner walk to the table at the same time Hunter and I, and Mora and Phillip do. The men start talking while we girls put our heads together.

“Who’s the hunk?” Mora asks.

Ember beams. “His name’s Carlos and he’s sexy as sin. We hit it off immediately. We’re planning a coffee date next week. I have to head to Seattle tomorrow, but it looks like I’m coming back sooner than I thought.” She’s grinning ear to ear. It might have something to do with the copious amounts of liquor we’ve all consumed.

“Maybe instead of medical miracle plants we should be studying human anatomy,” Mora says with a teasing smile.

“Don’t be a brat. This girl needs to release some energy,” Ember says and winks at the two of us.

We’re interrupted by the waitress and order more drinks and water. We need lots of water in between so we don’t all wake up feeling like crap. The night continues and we lose all track of time... just as we always do when we let loose and lose ourselves.
