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“How is the Anderson clan doing today?” Dr. Michaels asks as he strides into the room.

“We’ve had better days,” Lucas, Jasmine’s father, says.

“Well, our patient’s doing wonderfully. She’ll soon be ready for discharge,” the doctor says.

A part of me wants to panic, wants to demand she doesn’t leave this hospital until she’s fully back to herself. But I realize I’m being selfish thinking this. She needs to go home, needs to be around things that are familiar to her.

I might want to keep her in my own little bubble, but that would be holding her back. I can’t do that to the woman I love more than I love myself.

What if she never gets her memories back and decides she doesn’t want to be with me anymore? I can’t imagine this happening, can’t imagine how badly it would hurt. Iwon’tlet that happen.

If she doesn’t remember our relationship, I’ll simply have to make her fall in love with me all over again. It’s the only answer.

The doctor does his normal vital checks on Jasmine, then leaves the room. I follow him. I need a break away from the overwhelming family, and I certainly need a heavy dose of caffeine.

“Dr. Michaels,” I call when he starts to move away. He stops and looks at me. He’s getting used to my questions by now but he’s always patient.

“What can I do to help her get her memories back?” I ask, desperation dripping from my voice.

He smiles. “Don’t rush her, Hunter. The best thing you can do is to not let her see your heartbreak and frustration. Keep her surrounded by things that are familiar to her and be her friend. Give her the relationship she had with you that she remembers, and stay at her side.”

“What if she never remembers?” I ask, voicing my worst fear.

“Then you’ll have to be the man she fell in love with in the first place. If you did it once, you should be able to do it twice,” he tells me.

He walks away, leaving me standing in the busy hallway. I’ve been thinking these thoughts. I’ll need to make her fall for me all over again. It feels like a daunting task, but I firm my shoulders.

I made her fall for me once, and I can certainly do it again. I love this woman, and I’ll do whatever it takes to help her heal. This isn’t about me, it’s about her.

Chapter Two


“Rummy!” I say as I lay my cards down and lean back with a smirk on my lips.

“Again?” Hunter smiles at me. “I think you’re cheating.”

I chuckle. It feels good to laugh. It’s something I haven’t felt like doing for a while. I want out of this dang bed, and out of this hospital. It’s going to happen soon. Until then, Hunter’s been at my side practically day and night... and what’s weird about this is... I like it.

He’s assured me we’re in love, and when I look at him with confusion, he simply tells me he’s up for making me fall in love with him all over again. I have my doubts, but I have to admit I like spending time with him. I always have though. He’s a great partner at work.

My family is in and out of the room, but it’s clear that they love Hunter because they’re more than happy for the two of us to spend plenty of alone time together. Gramps is all about matchmaking. He wants a whole new set of great-grandchildren to spoil. The thought of me as a mother is terrifying. I want nothing to do with that. Or at least I don’t think I’m ready for that. The more time I spend with Hunter, the more my convictions are shaken.

“How can I cheat when I’m stuck in this bed?” I ask as I stick my lip out in a perfected pout. Hunter laughs. He seems to laugh a lot. I like it.

“I’m sure you, of all people, can figure out how to cheat from a hospital bed,” he tells me.

He’s not wrong. I’m good at figuring things out. I’m currently not cheating though... but I’m not above doing it . . . when necessary.

I’m still in shock about this car accident we had that sent me here. How in the world can I go through something so traumatic and not remember a thing about it? This seems impossible. I’m also confused about what’s happening between Hunter and me. I have the feelings I remember having six months ago, these feelings of attraction, or wondering if I have a crush on him or not, or wondering if we should try a relationship.

To find out we’ve been in a relationship that I can’t remember isn’t sitting well with me. Is this all a joke? Am I going to wake up tomorrow and realize this is a big prank? I’m too smart to believe that.

Nobody, not even my family, could pull off such an elaborate prank.

One thing I know for sure is that I’m very sick of being in this dang hospital. I want to go home, and I want it yesterday. I’m not sure what home is anymore though. Is it my condo here in Miami, or is it in Seattle where I spent most of my life? If only this was easy.

Then again, when have I ever wanted life to be easy? I’ve always said easy is boring.
