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Pixie recovers before we do and a snide smile plays on her once charming mouth. I remember being very jealous of this woman, but everything she did was an act. She’s quite the actress, as we found out. She doesn’t look at all happy to see Hunter and me holding hands. Screw her.

“Well, well, look at the happy couple,” she says, her sugary voice incredibly annoying. Hunter and I both met Pixie when we went to the school she was teaching at. Then she and Hunter ended up in some sort of twisted, kinky relationship. Little Miss Sunshine had a dark side. Jealousy fills me because he liked that dark side... at least for a little while. I suddenly don’t feel like holding his hand. I didn’t think we’d ever see this woman again. I wish the memory of her could be one of the ones that have been erased.

“We have to go,” Hunter says as he tries to pull away. Pixie blocks us. For such a small woman, she has a big presence.

“I guess the two of you were fooling around behind my back,” she says, looking like the thought of that hurts her. No way. She’s a cheating whore. She’s not turning this around on us.

Hunter doesn’t let me go even if he feels me trying to pull away. His protective instincts are kicking in. “Pixie, it’s absolutely none of your business when Jasmine and I found each other. It was after you and I were over. That’s all you get to know.”

I stand at his side, my voice steady as I face Pixie’s snarky gaze. “Hunter and I have a relationship, not some kinky sex thing. I don’t have to be a freak to keep my man. Why don’t you move along and leave us be?”

Pixie’s expression twists and turns with anger and jealousy, and if looks could kill, I’d be toast right now.

“If he’s such a great guy, why is he talking about our sex life?” she snaps.

“You made your sex life pretty damn clear to everyone around with your leftover photos,” I point out. She smiles, actually seeming proud of her twisted past.

“I miss those photos. They were left behind when I went on the run. I’m back though, and I thought I’d look up some of my guys.” The bitch actually moves forward and runs her finger over Hunter’s chest. It takes all I have not to throw her ass on the ground.

She must realize the danger she’s in because with a sly smile she backs off, then turns, and walks away, her heels clicking on the ground as she disappears around a corner. I’m seething mad. I have to take several deep breaths in and out, calming myself.

As Hunter and I stand in silence, hand in hand still, I look to the ground. I know he wants me to look at him, but I need a minute. I care more about this man than I realized, because I want to chase down the woman and scratch up her pretty face. We’ll make it through this, but I need a few more heartbeats before I can possibly move.

Pixie’s presence leaves a bitter taste in the air. We can’t allow her to win by staying angry though. I don’t think Hunter’s angry; he’s disgusted. I’m the one who’s fuming mad right now. Please, for the love of all that’s good in this world, I need a bad guy to come right now and try to take my purse away. I actually look up and attempt to find someone to tempt. I give up after a solid fifteen seconds. I must look scary mad right now, even too scary for druggies wanting a few extra dollars.

My relationship with Hunter is built on a solid foundation. I know it can survive anything... even a coma and amnesia. But that woman is evil and should be stopped.

“Come on, let’s walk to the park where it’s a little cooler and you can scream if you want,” Hunter says, knowing me so well. I keep my hand in his and allow him to lead me away from the street. As long as we don’t run into Pixie again, I should be fine.

Then again as we slip into a shaded area, I might want to take that back. I could drop her in here without anyone being the wiser. I guess I have a stronger jealousy streak than I realized. Good to know.

“Can we walk in the bad district?” I hopefully ask and Hunter tries to stifle a laugh, but a few snickers sneak out. I glare at him.

“We’re not looking for bad guys for you to beat up, Jazz,” he says, laughter still in his voice.

“Butthead,” I murmur, and he chuckles more. We reach a bench and he pulls me to him. I sort of want to pull away, but force myself not to. Hunter’s eyes hold a mixture of laughter and vulnerability. It’s the latter that gets me to calm down.

“Jazz, you know Pixie is in my past. I try to never regret things I’ve done before, but I have some regret because I could’ve been with you sooner. You and I were both fighting our feelings then, and I thought it was right to be with her. It wasn’t. We were a couple and then we weren’t. I’m with you now, though, and this is what I want. I don’t even think about that woman anymore,” he tells me.

So far so good. I like his words. I take in another breath and slowly let it out. I take his hand and squeeze. “I’ll admit I’m a little jealous. I’ll also admit I want to kick Pixie’s ass like nothing I’ve ever wanted to kick before. I know she doesn’t matter. I realize we’ll both forget all about this... eventually. It’s just that having her in our faces, and having her touch you, makes me want to cut her fingers off and gouge out her eyes. You’re mine and mine alone.”

He grins at me and I look at him with confusion. “I’ve never seen this side of you before, Jazz. I like it. Want me to get some Jell-O?” Of course this is where his mind goes.

“You’re so completely close to getting your ass kicked right now, I’d be careful,” I tell him, trying to hold back laughter as he quickly diffuses this situation. This is the reason the man’s so good at his job. He knows how to talk to people, knows how to calm a situation down.

“Back to being serious for a minute,” he tells me. “You and I both have pasts. There’s nothing we can do about them. I wouldn’t want to anyway because those roads we took are what have shaped us into who we are today. It’s important we learn as we grow. I learned a woman like Pixie was only a blimp on the radar, while you’re my forever.”

I smile at him, tears stinging my eyes. “But back to the ass kicking,” he says as he leans in close. “Bring it on, I’d love to wrestle with you.”

And just like that the rest of my anger drains away as I climb into his lap, straddling him. I don’t care who walks past us as his arms wrap around me. I love this man so dang much. I need to tell him, let him know I’ve fallen for him again. If I do get my memories back, I wonder if my love will be twice as strong.

We sit together as I lay my head on his shoulder and he rubs my back, making me feel so much better as each second passes. The weight of Pixie’s visit slowly dissipates, replaced by an unwavering confidence in how I feel about this man and how he feels about me. With each passing second, I’m more assured that we’re fine, and we’re on the right path in our lives. It won’t always be easy, but I’m sure we’ll make it through together.

The sun is fully down as we stand. Hunter leans down and kisses me. “I’m taking you home, stripping off your clothes, stripping off mine, pulling you into the shower, soaping us both up, then lifting you against the wall, and making love to you until neither of us can walk again.”

I suck in a breath. “Yes, please.” I pause and give him a wicked smile. “And don’t forget about that spanking.”

With his gasp of breath, I pull from him and start walking toward our condo. It doesn’t take him long to be right on my heels. We race to the condo... and straight into our future.
