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He took a step back toward her and reached for her face, cupping and caressing her cheek.

She leaned into his palm and closed her eyes briefly.

He spoke then.

"Talk to me, Taryn. What's going on in your head?"

She swallowed. "If I go with you. If we agree to that …"

He smiled at her, his thumb brushing over her cheek. "Taryn, we are to be married. Nothing has to happen if you don't want it to. But I would like us to share a room. Share a space together."

Declan would never force her into anything. She didn't know why she was scared. Maybe it was because she would be opening herself to something, and she didn't know what it was.

He leaned closer and pressed a kiss to her forehead. She reached up, ran her hands through his hair, and pulled him down for a kiss.

His lips were gentle against hers, but his desire and pure need were barely disguised. She heard him drop everything he was holding, then he pulled her into his arms, deepening the kiss.

She moaned as he pulled her closer, his hands cupping her ass. She wrapped her hands around his neck, sinking into his touch.

All her worries seemed to melt away. She couldn't remember why she was scared. Declan had been nothing but sweet to her. He'd been nothing but nice, and he cared about her. She could trust him.

He leaned back, chuckling softly at her. "To our room?"

She nodded. "Yes, but we can't forget about my stuff."

They both looked down, seeing the trinkets scattered on the floor. They laughed as they started to pick up the different items. They stuffed them back into their bags before they turned down the hallway.

Declan held her hand as they walked up to their room. She felt an extra skip in her step. She wanted Declan.

She'd liked him and found it entertaining to tease him, but the idea of being with him… really being connected to him got an extra rise out of her.

Declan pushed open the door to their room, set her things on the desk, and looked at her.

"Were these all for you? Or some for friends?"

She placed her handful of trinkets down. She chuckled. "I got a few for my sisters. I couldn't help it."

He ran his fingers over one of the items, and she stepped toward him. She reached out, running her hands over his arm.

Declan turned to her, wrapping his arms around her. He pulled her in. "I have a very important question for you."


She smirked as he turned them toward the bed. "Would you be willing to spend the night with me?"

She laughed and nodded. He continued walking them toward the bed, and she remained calm.

He laid her on the bed, and she watched his eyes track over her. She looked up at him, taking in his calm expression. Declan pulled at his shirt, tossing it onto the floor. She looked at his body, at the strength and warmth of it, and she couldn’t help when her eyes trailed down.

Her mouth became wet at the sight of him. Declan grabbed her shoes and slipped them off. His fingers rubbed over the balls of her feet, and she moaned.

"We did a lot of walking," he said as he ran his hands up her ankles and then to her calves. She relaxed into the sheets as his fingers massaged her muscles.

"And your fingers are magical," she said. "You should do this more often."

He laughed at her. He hooked her shirt and pulled it up and off. He stared at her bra, and she slipped her hand back, unclamping it. She tossed it off and watched his throat bob.

She reached for her pants and shimmied them down. She watched his jaw clench as she kicked them off the bed. Her heart leapt into her throat as he stared at her naked body.
