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He is very cute. Even covered in food.

She lifted her hand and swiped it off. His eyes flickered to her, and she showed him. "You had a little something right there."

He smiled at her, his lips curling up slightly, and it made her stomach twist in excitement. This was a side of Declan she didn't know was possible. He was relaxed and funny. He'd been so loving and caring all night.

She watched him try so hard to cook her an amazing meal and fail along the way. They even had to change from omelets to a different choice. But instead of getting frustrated, he just brushed it off and continued forward. She couldn’t help but feel they were closer now. He really cared about her.

"Well, you managed to impress me," she said, stepping back. She turned, looking around the kitchen. "And you managed to destroy the kitchen at the same time. The chef is going to be impressed when he sees this."

She looked at the mess they had created. She'd tried to contain most of it, but there was flour all over the floor. An egg had slipped free and splattered onto the counter, and sauce sprayed the wall. She looked at Declan, who was rubbing his neck, looking embarrassed.

She grabbed a rag and turned the faucet on, soaking it. She started cleaning up, and Declan grabbed the broom. They quickly did a clean-up until the timer buzzed, and he grabbed the duck out of the oven. The smell was intoxicating.

Her mouth watered, and her stomach grumbled. Declan looked at her with a smile. "Well, I did something right."

She set out plates and heard a cork pop. She turned to find Declan pouring two glasses of wine. She smiled, walking toward him. "Is this from the winery?"

He nodded. "Yep, it's been sitting for a while too. I think you'll be pleased. It should go well with the duck."

"Are you sure about that?" she asked teasingly as he offered her a glass. She knew he picked it with care, but she loved to see the fire in his eyes when she presented him with a challenge.

He smirked. "I may not know how to cook well, but I do know what wine goes with what food. That you can trust me on."

She snorted as she took a sip allowing the flavors to bloom on her tongue. She moaned at it and watched as Declan's eyes glazed over with hunger. She knew it wasn't for the food.

She turned back to the plates, and she felt Declan's arms wrap around her. She leaned into him, feeling his bulge.

Heat bloomed between her legs.

He hasn’t even really touched me yet, and I’m already wet.

She took a sip of her drink as he growled into her ear.

Taryn wanted to kick herself when she let out a soft moan.

Focus on the food. Focus on the food.

"Declan," she whispered. "We still have food. This is a bad idea. The food will get cold."

He ran his nose along her neck. "I'm aware. But that doesn't mean I can't get your panties soaking for me."

She looked at him with narrowed eyes. "I know what you're doing."

"Is it working?" he asked with a smirk on his face.

She wanted to tell him, yes, but she wasn't going to cave. As badly as she wanted him, she loved to see him make an effort for her even more. "No. Now let's eat."

After Declan let her go, she seated herself at the table. Declan made her a plate, and they dug into their food. Duck with sweet sauce, roasted vegetables smothered in spices, and pie for dessert.

During dessert, she was hardly able to keep herself seated. She'd watched Declan as he slowly ate, purposefully to make her wet.

Do you want to be eaten like that? Licked like that? Sucked on like that?

She licked her lips and straightened her posture. She lifted her half-full glass of wine and swallowed it all in two gulps.

Soft music played, a whisper in the air, but Taryn swayed along with it anyway.

She stood and walked away from the table toward the record player. She heard the scraping of the chair against the floor as Declan also stood. When she turned, he stood directly behind her.
