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Taryn’s day began quickly. First, the twins showed up … Madison and Addison. Five minutes later, Lexi arrived, her eyes bright and smile wide.

Taryn had the staff arrange for the library to be set up for their planning session. When the three sisters arrived, they were politely ushered to the library and kindly encouraged to use all the table space for planning and laying out all their supplies and accouterments.

For Taryn’s part, she had made sure to bring maps of the castle and the grounds, as well as lists of what they needed to do for the anniversary party and the wedding.

“What a great setup,” Lexi said.

“I agree,” Addison chimed in. “Plenty of room. But where is the wine?”

Madison and Lexi both laughed.

“I promise there will be plenty of wine at some point,” Taryn told them. “We’re surrounded by vineyards. Can we at least wait until ten in the morning to break out the alcohol?”

“It’s not too early for handsome enforcers,” Lexi added. “Shouldn’t there be one or two of those standing by, just in case?”

“I saw a couple enforcers that were cute as a button when we walked in,” Addison added.

The four sisters caught up briefly about their parents. They steered clear of the touchy topics like the charred vineyard and whether Taryn’s potions to assist shifting had made any progress. This was a relief. Taryn was thrilled that her sisters looked quite happy with their own lives and were excited for her and the world she was building with Declan.

“Hello, goddesses,” Hanna barked. She marched through the door with two servants behind her carrying boxes of wine. “I brought presents and more presents. You all look more high-strung than is comfortable. My job today is to get each one of you all oiled up with the best merlot, pinot noir, and cab money can buy.”

Taryn smiled and watched her three sisters laugh and clap at Hanna’s entrance.

The wine flowed, and the five women planned. By glass two, the gossip and laughter had become raucous and loud.

Taryn wouldn’t be surprised if the entire castle could hear them.

“I heard you worked a couple days at the apothecary?” Madison asked Hanna.

“I did,” Hanna answered. “Actually, I did two days at the apothecary, and then before that, I had spent a day at the conservatory with Taryn. I love working for and with Taryn.”

“What was that like?” Lexi asked. “All those little things on the shelves, lotions, potions, essential oils, and candles. I think I would have run out of the building screaming before lunch.”

“I liked it,” Hanna answered. “I certainly look forward to working there a lot more. The customers are consistent and very sweet. I really like the business model Taryn implements and her heavy emphasis on the customer experience.”

“Great answer,” Addison quipped.

“What about you, Lexi?” Hanna asked.

“I am actually trying really hard to behave,” Lexi answered with a laugh. “So many distractions come at you from every angle when you’re only twenty-one, just like the Sinatra song says.”

“Taryn, your eyebrows are so gorgeous right now,” Madison said.

“Thank you. I’ve been using a new emulsifier, but the side-effect is thicker eyebrows.”

“I would like to try some of that,” Madison added.

“I have a small bottle in one of the bags I brought in.” Taryn nodded toward a leather purse and bags with supplies.

“You are truly your sister’s keeper,” Madison told Taryn, then went to dig through the containers.

“Soon as the planning party is over, I am back on intermittent fasting, and no more carbs for me,” Addison told the room.

“Don’t be silly, sis,” Lexi chimed in. “You look gorgeous. Don’t change anything. I want to be like you.”

“I’ve been trying a couple Yoga poses that, if you hold them long enough, they decrease the ghrelin production,” Taryn added.
