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Taryn sat and looked at him with narrowed eyes. “This better be good,” she said, her voice dangerously low.

“You have a stalker,” Declan admitted to her.



“Why do I get this sense that even though you didn’t put that tracker inside my purse, you know way more about this than you’re telling me?” Taryn asked firmly.

Taryn’s face was red, and her eyes were bright. Anger rolled off her, and her fury triggered his own rage.

Whoever is doing this is going to pay.

The wrath inside him had triggered the wolf, too, and he couldn’t suppress the low growl he let out.

Declan sighed and then looked down into his hands that were folded on the desk. What he said next would have to be said the right way, or things could go bad, really bad.

“Sit for a minute,” he told her, gesturing at the leather couch.

“This better be good.” she snapped at him. Her eyes were narrowed, looking at him sharply.

He took a deep breath before beginning.

“You have a stalker,” Declan said. “I’ve known this for a while, although the tracker is new to me. I didn’t mention this because I didn’t want to scare you … I also needed to get more information. I need to know who is doing this.”

When he looked down at his desk, Declan saw that he had unwittingly curled his hands into fists.

Control yourself,he told himself and the wolf.

Taryn might have been very angry, but her fear was palpable. And Declan never wanted his mate to be afraid.

He waited a few minutes as Taryn took several deep breaths.

It needs to sink in. She needs to process it first.

Then, when he thought she had enough time to remain calm, he stood and sat next to her on the couch. He pulled her into a hug, and her body sagged against his. Declan did not want to let go, and he could tell that she didn’t want to either.

You have to talk about this.

He pulled away then and spoke slowly, carefully.

“What started a few weeks ago were notes,” he told her. “Anonymous notes. Notes to you and notes about vile things I won’t mention.”

“How many?” she asked. “And how come I never found the notes if they were intended for me?”

“Oh, there were many notes. Left all sorts of places. I am sure they were all meant for you … at least the ones I read were,” Declan paused after he said this to give her a moment to really digest what he had said.

“I found one note, then I found two, and that was when I started watching for them. I was always looking for them after that, and this is the reason why you haven’t found any notes. I did not want you to find them, so I did my best to search them out.”

“Hmm. And that’s right when you started in with this business of having enforcers follow me everywhere,” she added.

“No,” he told her. “I always had enforcers on you. I will always dispatch enforcers to protect you. You are more important to me than you will ever know. Iincreasedthe enforcer presence when I started finding the notes.”

“These notes are connected to the tracker?”

Declan shrugged and nodded. “I am sure they are. But this tracker and all the notes do not mean I am any closer to finding out who did it,” he said gravely.

“And I suppose you, and the wolf, have connected the notes with the tracker and the fire?” Taryn asked.
