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She pulled back instantly from his threat. “I understand. And no, I would never speak to her like this. My apologies. But I’ll have you know that mate contracts better not make a comeback because I will absolutely not do it. I’ll mate on my own terms and won’t hear of it any other way.” She snorted and returned to her chair.

Declan remained in silence for a moment. Her last little rant was out of the blue, but he knew it was to put her back in control of the conversation and shrug off the fact that he had just put her in her place.

Hanna was never one to want to show submissiveness, but she wasn’t one to stand up to the alpha, either, including her brother.

It was a sacred rule and a line that she would never cross.

“Are you done?” he asked her sarcastically.

“Yes,” she grunted, obviously displeased at the lack of argument.

Declan’s phone chimed. He pulled it out and saw it was his reminder for his morning appointment with Phillip.

“I have an appointment at the wine bar. I’ll talk to you later.” He left Hanna to her own issues in his office.

Declan headed to the winery addition where the bar was located. He assumed Phillip would already be there waiting. He was right.

Phillip was his and Hanna’s childhood friend. Their families had been close, and Phillip was still Declan’s best friend … even now that he was king.

Declan trusted him. And finding people one could trust was a rarity for a royal.

“Phillip, how are you today?” Declan greeted as the other man pulled him into a one-armed hug.

When they pulled away, they shook hands, and Phillip smiled with his usual friendliness.

“Good. Just ready to sample some wines.”

Declan and Phillip were roughly the same height, though Declan’s shoulders were broader, and he was more muscular.

Phillip was just as strong, though his body was leaner.

“Have you thought about what kind you want to try?”

“Whatever you recommend, you know the business better than I do for this type of stuff.”

Declan went behind the bar, grabbed some of the top-shelf items, and started pouring them into sample glasses. “So, tell me. What are we sampling for?” He slid three glasses over to Phillip.

Phillip sipped one before answering. “I want to make a purchase for my parents’ anniversary party. I want to do something special for them this year, so this will all be through me.” He sampled another.

“That’s a great idea. Any one of these three should do the trick, then. I know from personal experience that two out of these three are your mother’s favorites.”

“Well, let’s make sure I don’t choose the one that’s not, then,” Phillip chuckled as he tried the last glass.

Declan had an idea. “Why don’t you have the party at the palace? It would be perfect, and you can have full access to our staff to help with preparations.”

Phillip looked taken aback. “Really?”

Declan nodded.

“That would be great. Thanks, man. I think I’ll go with this one.” Phillip slid the second glass forward.

“You didn’t pick wrong,” Declan confirmed. “You should check in with Taryn and visit with her about it too. She can help and is quite talented at brewing things up.”

Phillip smiled at that. “You’re very generous. I like your style.”

They toasted to the party.

Declan had a good feeling about this.
