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Many congratulations were given to the lord and lady, who graciously accepted every greeting and compliment. While the anniversary couple was being congratulated by everyone, Declan and Taryn made their tour around the palace’s main ballroom greeting guests.

“I can feel you easing up a bit,” Taryn had told him.

“Why? Have I been stiff as a board the whole night?” he asked.

“Of course not,” she answered. “You have been a charming king and nothing less. I sense it. The farther we circle the room greeting guests, the more you relax.”

She was partially correct. They toured the room clockwise, chatting and smiling, and he was calming a bit. He still wasn’t at ease, but he was relaxing. All senses were on alert, and they would stay that way until the stalker was taken down.



The anniversary party was a success. She and Declan had handled their first party as a couple perfectly. They danced and rounded the room several times. They had also conversed with nearly everyone at the party, and they had done so well that Lord and Lady Cooper had thanked them both in their toasts.

Taryn couldn’t deny that she had been worried that the stalker’s latest act of terror would destroy the night, but they got through it.

The party ended after midnight, but most of the guests had left hours earlier. Lexi, Madison, Addison, Hanna, Lord and Lady Cooper, and Declan were still gathered, laughing and swapping tales and pleasantries.

Taryn’s journey to one of the more private bathrooms was a welcome break after the long, busy day. There were no enforcers, just soft lights, quietude, and the warm knowledge that the party had been a success.

The walk was doubly soothing as it gave Taryn a chance to measure the extent of her alcohol and food consumption. The excess could build quickly if not careful, especially when dealing with the finest wine in the world and impeccable cuisine.

Her lone footfalls upon the hallway floor were disquieting, but she shoved the thoughts away quickly.

You’re safe here.

You’re safe in your home.

Taryn wanted to revel in feeling proud for having put together such an event. However, the closer she came to the bathroom, the more she felt as though she was being followed.

When she looked back over her shoulder, no one was there.

It’s just nerves after everything that has happened.

In the half-bath mirror, she checked her hair, splashed cool water on her face, smiled and frowned, and smiled again to flex her facial muscles. The face looking back at her from the mirror knew one thing for sure, her love for Declan over the last few days had grown so much that she was starting to believe they truly were fated mates.

Taryn exited the bathroom, into the hallway. The lights were still dim, but the air was off.

Something was wrong.

The slightest exhale of breath caught her ear, and it came from someone standing behind her.

Too close behind her.

Her breath hitched, but she didn’t jump or scream. There was no spinning around or panicked reaction on her part. Just a nice slow turn on her heel to see her follower.


She also smelled the fumes of alcohol intoxication … the scent of a grown, strong male after a long day of eating and drinking. His face looked swollen and sweaty, and his eyes were black ice.

“I was wondering when you would come out of there,” he told her. “You were in there forever.” Phillip’s speech was slurred as he slightly swayed.

He was the one following me down the hall to the bathroom. Phillip had been lurking just out of sight but close enough that she sensed him.

“Phillip, hello. Sorry, you startled me a bit,” she said. “It’s all yours,” she added, gesturing with a free hand to the lavatory entrance. “I am so sorry if I made you wait.”

“Oh, darling, I don’t need the restroom. I need to hug you and thank you personally for this anniversary we had for my parents. You really went all out.”
