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He might have washed her body, but Taryn’s hair was still covered in grime and dirt from her time in Phillip’s dungeon.

Declan filled the tub with more warm water and lathered her hair with the special honey-infused shampoo.

“Don’t you have housekeepers for this?” she asked, laughing, and let out a soft moan when Declan ran his fingers through her hair.

At that moment, Taryn had never been more secure in her bond with Declan. They were unbreakable now. They trusted one another implicitly, and their love was as steady as the foundations of the palace.

“I don’t trust anyone else to do this for you,” he said, his face stoic. “Not after everything you’ve been through.”

The king plunged his hands into her wet tresses, massaging her hairline and scalp, running fingers sweetly up and down her neck and shoulders.

“The royal treatment,” Taryn muttered.

Declan did not chuckle. Her shifting had enhanced their telepathic connection, but she wouldn’t need to tap into that to know he wasn’t sulking; he was scared.

He continued massaging her hair, which was more relaxing and serene. The moment was so intimate that Taryn wanted to burst into happy tears of love for her king.

Just as she thought she was going to doze off, Declan lightly tapped her shoulder.

“Sit up a bit, please. Let me rinse you off.”

She did as he asked, pushing herself up slowly, guided by his soft touch. He held onto her shoulders as he dipped a jug of water into the tub, then held the back of her head with the ease of cradling a baby calf.

“Lean your head back, my love.”

She did so, and he poured the water over her head. It ran down her back and over her breasts, the droplets rolling over her nipples like shiny pearls adorning her breasts.

“Mmm, Declan,” she purred his name.

He groaned back at her. She sensed he was getting aroused from their harmonious contact, and hers was the same and just as savage. Being able to shift turned up the volume on everything, but before that could occur, she wanted to talk.

“I nearly killed him.”

Declan paused with his fingers in her hair, ridding it of the suds, and placed the jug on the lip of the tub. He touched her shoulders and gently turned her to face him.

The lines of worry on his face had faded away, softening into a look of utter love. He brushed his hands up from her shoulders, across her collarbone, and eventually up to her cheeks. Staring into those green seas, along with the light touch, made Taryn breathless.

“What you did was self-defense. Who knows what Phillip was going to do to you? I don’t want to even consider that.” He cleared his throat, then returned her gaze. “Your wolf came out when it needed to. And Phillip isn't dead, though a part of me thinks he should be.”

Taryn worked her jaw back and forth, her attraction and arousal mounting. He was so damn heroic and loving. She wanted to shatter the walls of the palace with the strength of their lovemaking.

He knew her better than she knew herself. The rest of their lives would be spent building each other with faith and hope. She could feel the power rippling up and down her spine, iridescent, luminous, and the brightest thing in the world.

She reached out to cup his face, tracing her fingers along the stubble that had sprouted, then let her thumb linger along his bottom lip. They were so full and lovely.

“Declan …” she whispered, her vision blurring with tears. “I shifted. I can’t believe I finally did. I fucking shifted.”

Declan grinned broadly. That was the only look on his face she wanted to see. She never wanted to see a look of mourning again.

“Yes, you did, my love,” he said, his own fingers scanning down her cheek, trailing down her collarbone to her breasts. “All that matters to me is that you are safe. Phillip was once my good friend, but I didn’t see the truth about him. Now that I do, I want nothing to do with him.”

Taryn wanted to alleviate the loss she saw in his eyes. She believed him when he said he wanted nothing to do with him, but it must have hurt to have been so wrong about someone.

How is he going to go on, knowing that Phillip betrayed him in such a manner? He trusted Phillip with his life… with my life.

“God, I love you, Declan.” Her growl rumbled throughout her body, and the growl was more wolf than human. The sound made the water ripple as she pulled him toward her body.

Surprised by her strength, the king toppled into the tub, kissing her desperately while they chuckled and the water soaked the floor below.
