Page 102 of Bragg's Love

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He’s a liar, a deceiver, a heartbreaker. I don’t want to be in his presence let alone talk to him.

“We’re done,” I repeat before opening the door and running away.

Elder is standing at the end of the hallway and motions to the emergency exit. I burst through it before anyone can follow me. Before the tears threatening can fall down my face.

I should have known. I shouldn’t have given a man a chance. Relationships are not for me. Love is not for me.

I should probably start adopting cats now.

Chapter 31

Eden used to wake up grumpy, but now he’s all alone ~ Text from Elder to the Bragg brothers


There’s a knock on the door, but I don’t bother moving from the couch where I’ve been sitting for the past hour. My brothers aren’t going to let a silly thing like a door get in their way.

“We’re coming in.”

I grunt even though I know they can’t hear me.

“Me first,” Elder says before the door opens and all of them pile into my apartment.

“Why are you sitting here in the dark?” Peace asks before switching on the light.

I cringe as the light shines in my face.

“Dang. I was looking forward to hauling him out of bed,” Riley says.

I snort. As if Riley the charmer could get me out of my bed if I don’t want to leave it.

Brody doesn’t say anything as he tiptoes down the hallway toward my bedroom.


He freezes.

“You’re not shortchanging my sheets.”

His shoulders drop before he turns around and returns to the living room.

“Have you found anything out about our possible sibling?” I ask Peace in a blatant attempt to delay my brothers.

“Nope.” Peace frowns. “I’m still making inquiries, but it’s strange. It’s as if he disappeared off the face of the earth.”

“Now that Miller is done stalling.” Elder slams a bottle of tequila down on my coffee table. “Let’s do this.”

They’ve come to play truth or punch. It’s a game we made up when Elder and I were in college and Brody refused to admit to his crimes. Basically, each brother gets to ask whoever’s in the hot seat – which is obviously me tonight – a question. If I refuse to answer, they get to punch me.

Peace frowns. “I thought we agreed no tequila when Brody’s around.”

“I can have one drink,” Brody claims.

I cock an eyebrow. “Since when do you only drink one shot when tequila’s involved?”

Riley rubs his hands together. “I’ve been looking forward to this. I owe you.”

“I can’t help it you can’t take a punch.”
