Page 108 of Bragg's Love

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“I’m not being a wimp. Miller lied to me. He said he loved me but he was lying to me the whole time.”

Moon claps her hands and starts singing. “Miller loves you! Miller loves you!” She whips out her phone. “I’m getting us matching Bragg women t-shirts.”

Ashlyn scowls at her. “What about me? I’m your sister from a different mister.”

Harmony bumps my shoulder to gain my attention. “What did he lie about?”

“He told me he was giving up on the brewery expansion when the whole time he’s paying for the permits and hiring contractors behind my back.”

Technically, I don’t know if he’s hired contractors but I’m going with it. Exaggerating is not a lie. Especially not when a scoundrel of a man is involved.

“Whoa.” Soleil frowns. “He told you he cancelled the expansion?”

I shrug. “Not in so many words but it was implied.”

“Implied how?”

“We discussed why he wants the expansion. I explained how his reasons were complete and utter bull cocky and he agreed with me.”

I keep my answer vague since I don’t want to spill Miller’s secrets. It doesn’t matter if he’s a rat bastard who should drown in the sewer. I’m not revealing his secrets. Unlike some people, I have integrity.

“Then, he never actually said in words he was cancelling the expansion,” Harmony sums up.

“It was implied.”

“Repeating it was implied doesn’t make it true,” she says.

“But he knew I thought he was stopping. I saw it in his eyes when I accused him.”

“Honey.” Soleil squeezes my hand. “Could it be you’re using this whole brewery expansion as an excuse?”

I narrow my eyes on her. “An excuse for what?”

“To avoid a relationship with Miller.”

“But I am in a relationship with Miller. Or, I was.”

Her look screams disappointment. It’s as if she’s channeling my mom. “Did you even give the relationship a chance?”

“Of course, I did.” I scan the room and everyone’s looking at me with disappointment. Except for Ashlyn. She’s stuffing a piece of cheese in her mouth. When she notices me looking, she waves. I ignore her.

“I did give our relationship a chance,” I insist again.

“Relationships are scary,” Harmony says.

“I know where you hide your vibrator,” I growl at her.

She ignores my threat. “Especially for you.”

A vice wraps around my middle and I can barely breathe. Do they know my secrets? “For me? Why especially for me?”

Soleil sighs. “Because you don’t want to become your mom.”

I gasp. “You know?”

How could they possibly know? I’ve kept everything a secret. I never said a word all those times Mom needed me to stay home and care for her.

Not one word when they asked why I showed up to school with black circles under my eyes after staying up all night comforting Mom.
