Page 2 of Bragg's Love

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She’s not exaggerating. We work together on the colors and shapes of the pots best suited to whatever plants are in season and then she makes the pots. It’s a great working relationship – assuming I could actually manage to sell some plants.

“Maybe you should sell the pots without the plants,” Soleil suggests.

I shake my head. “I’m not taking a cut of your profit.”

She checks her watch. “This is an argument for another day. I don’t have much time to congratulate Moon on the opening of her diner today. I have a pottery class kicking off in less than an hour. Let’s go.”

Despite my excitement for our friend Moon and her new restaurant, I’m not ready to give up on the argument. “But…”

The words die on my lips as I catch Miller Bragg marching by on the sidewalk. I don’t think so. Without realizing my feet are moving, I follow. This is all his fault. Him and the stupid brewery expansion. He couldn’t let it go?

Between the restaurant and the beer,Naked Falls Brewingearns plenty of money as it is. Why do they need more when some people are barely scraping by? I think of the empty cash register. Scraping by would be an improvement at this point.

“Hey!” I holler after him but with the crowds of the festival, he doesn’t hear me. There’s also a possibility he’s ignoring me. I wouldn’t put it past him. The man hates me.

I rush after him.

“Is this a race?” Soleil asks as she chases after me.

I’m too busy seething to respond to her. All of my problems – every single one of them – are Miller’s fault. My business is failing because of him. I’m done with him denying it. Today is the day he admits he’s a business killing asshole.

I follow him into the diner where he’s greeting Harmony with a hug. My friend giggles as he awkwardly pats her on the back. A ball of something ugly forms in my stomach. And, no, it’s not jealousy. I am not jealous of my friend.

What’s there to be jealous of anyway? I don’t want Miller. I don’t care how gorgeous he is with his thick, brown hair, warm whiskey-colored eyes, and those delicious muscles of his. He’s a grumpy jerk who’s ruining my life. He could be the model on the front ofBrewer’s Weeklyand I’d still want to kick him in the nuts. Hard.

I stomp toward them. “I hope you’re happy with yourself.”

“Uh-oh,” Harmony mumbles before stepping away from Miller and moving to stand next to Soleil.

Miller frowns down at me. Considering our height difference, he has to look way down. Which only serves to piss me off more. I hate being the short one.

“You’re ruining my life,” I snarl at him.

“You’re doing a damn good job of ruining your life on your own, flower girl.”

“Don’t call me flower girl.”

“What do you want me to call you? Flower child?”

“You asshole!”

“I’m not an asshole!”

“An asshole is an irritating person. You are irritating. And rumor has it you’re a person. Therefore, you are an asshole.” I poke his chest. Ow! It’s hard as granite.

“I’m tired of you blaming me for all of your problems. It’s not my fault the town agreed to the expansion of the brewery.”

I throw my arms in the air. “Of course, it’s your fault. There wouldn’t be an expansion of the brewery if you hadn’t applied for one.”

He crosses his arms over his chest and my eyes do not drop to follow how his biceps flex with the movement. And I certainly don’t lick my lips imagining how those muscles would feel in my hands.

“What is your problem with the expansion? It doesn’t encroach on your land.”

Thoughts of touching his muscles fly out of my head at his words. Does he never listen? Time to straighten him out.

“I’ve explained this to you a dozen times already. Do you have memory problems?”

Brody pops up behind him. I didn’t even notice his brother standing there. “He was dropped on his head as a child.”
