Page 22 of Bragg's Love

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Brody added Miller to the conversation.

Miller: I don’t have a crush on Eden.

Riley: So you don’t want to see her naked?

Brody: You don’t want to do the horizontal mamba with her?

Elder: He definitely wants to do the horizontal mamba with her.

Miller: Being my twin doesn’t give you the power to read my mind.

Elder: Are you sure?

Peace: Eden’s a nice girl. You better treat her right.

Miller: I’m not doing anything with Eden.

Riley: Little Miller is delusional.

Miller: There’s nothing little about me.

Brody: The question is does Eden know there’s nothing little about you.

Miller: I’ll say this once again and then I’m done with this conversation.

Brody: You’re done with this conversation when I say you are!

Miller: Eden and I are not friends. We’re meeting today to discuss the brewery expansion. Nothing else.

Brody: Freudian slip. He’s talking about expanding again.

Miller: The brewery is expanding.

Elder: *gif of him patting himself on the back*

Miller: Why am I dealing with Eden? Elder should deal with her.

Elder: I think we all know you’re better equipped to ‘deal’ with Eden.

Peace: Do I need to accompany you to this meeting with Eden today?

Miller: No.

Peace: Just checking. I am awful good at keeping the peace.

Brody: Party foul!

Riley: You can’t make fun of your own name.

Elder: Yeah! That’s our job.

Damon: Summing up. Miller has the hots for Eden. She won’t give him the time of day. And they’re meeting today to discuss the brewery.

Brody: Ding! Ding! Ding! Damon Bragg, come on down. You’re the first contestant on the Man is in Heat.

Miller: I am not in heat.

Brody: Watch out. Grumpykins is in the house!

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