Page 29 of Bragg's Love

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Miller jealous of Elder touching me? Not likely. There’s a higher chance I’ll plant poison oak in my garden than of Miller being jealous.

Elder pats my shoulder. “Don’t worry, Eden. His bark is bigger than his bite. Unless you enjoy a man who bites.” He waggles his eyebrows. “There’s nothing wrong with a few love bites.”

“Stop,” Miller orders.

I glare at him. “Enough cranky pants. Just because you hate me, doesn’t mean everyone else does.”

“I don’t think he hates you,” Elder sings.

“Mr. Cranky Pants definitely hates me.” He made his feelings perfectly clear when he tried to buy off my objections to the expansion of the brewery.

“How can pants be cranky?” Miller asks.

“Grumpy pants then.”

“If pants can’t be cranky, how can they be grumpy?”

I pat Miller’s thigh. Whoa. It’s hard. I wonder how those muscles feel when there’s no layer of jeans between my hand and his skin.Knock it off, Eden. My inner hussy is totally on the fritz. She must be. Why else does she only awaken when Miller – the guy I hate - is around?

“You do the impossible, Grumpasaurus.”

“Now, I’m a dinosaur?”

I shrug. “If the spikes fit.”

Miller’s nostrils flare. “I’ll show you spikes.”

Brody raises his hand. “Can we all see?”

“No,” Riley objects. “Moon is not observing Miller’s spikes.”

“Olivia either,” Peace adds.

“Spikes? Is this a euphemism or is Miller pierced down there?” Olivia asks.

“Pierced down there? Now I totally want to see,” Moon says.

“You are not seeing down there on my brother,” Riley insists.

Damn it. Now, I’m intrigued. Is Miller’s cock pierced? Did it hurt when he did it? And, more importantly, how does it feel during sex? My body heats. My inner hussy raises her hands and jumps up and down.Let’s take him for a ride and find out.

“What do you get if you cross a dinosaur with a pig?” Elder asks and I push my inner hussy away to the box in my mind where she belongs when I’m at a family dinner.

“Jurassic Pork. Get it?” He elbows me. “Pork. Oink. Oink.”

“Eden knows what sound a pig makes,” Miller says.

Moon giggles. “This is so much fun.”

I sniff. “I don’t know what you’re referring to.”

She winks. “Sure, you don’t. My one request is you let me know about the whole piercing thing.”

I narrow my eyes at her. “I know where you store your extra glitter.”

She clutches her chest. “You wouldn’t dare touch my glitter.”

She’s correct. I wouldn’t. Revenge pranks are the worst. “Whatever. Can I have some tater tots?”
