Page 44 of Bragg's Love

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“I know someone who wants to be whipped.” Elder waggles his eyebrows at me.

I shove him as I walk into his house. “I do the whipping, not the other way around.”

He chases after me. “Do tell.”

I scoff. As if I’m going to discuss how I enjoy sex with my twin. Sharing a womb for nine months doesn’t give him the right to know everything about me, no matter what he thinks.

My phone chimes with a message before it makes the sound of a whip.Ka-pow!

“Brody Bragg, if you put another virus on my phone, I’m going to disassemble all of your computer equipment and hide the pieces throughout Winter Falls.”

Brody gasps and clutches his chest. “You wouldn’t!”

I get all up in his face. “Watch me.”

“It’s not a virus. Technically.”

“If we’re not going to play poker, can I at least get a beer while I watch the Bragg brother bitch show?” Peace asks.

“The Bragg brother bitch show?” Riley taps his chin. “I think I like it.”

Elder walks to the refrigerator to grab some beers and we settle around the dining room table, which is already set up for us to play poker.

When I notice the deck of cards isn’t new, I stand and swipe the deck off of the table before throwing it away in the garbage can in the kitchen.

“Hey!” Brody exclaims. “What are you doing? You threw away a perfectly good deck of cards.”

I cock an eyebrow. “A perfectly good deck ofmarkedcards.”

“I spent the afternoon marking up those cards,” he pouts.

Elder frowns. “I thought you spent the afternoon working.”

Brody shrugs. “The assignment was easy. I finished early.”

“And you couldn’t use your spare time to find somewhere to live?”

Brody rears back. “Find somewhere to live? Why would I find somewhere to live? I have somewhere to live.”

Elder sighs. “You can’t stay here forever.”

“Why not? Do you not love me? Do I need to phone Mom and tell her you’re being mean to me?”

Elder snorts. “Mom wouldn’t believe you.”

Brody bats his eyelashes. “She has before.”

“You’re a brat.”

“A genius brat.”

“Are we going to play poker or what?” Peace asks.

“Big brother Peace is mad.” Brody feigns cowering in his chair.

“Ignore him,” Elder orders.

“Was planning to,” Peace says.
