Page 68 of Bragg's Love

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“So, I did what every teenage girl does. I snooped. I found out who my father was from my birth certificate and googled him. He wasn’t hard to find. He wasn’t hiding from us. I pretended I was spending the weekend camping with Harmony and Soleil and off I went to his house. He welcomed me with open arms.”

She snorts. “Such a liar. He pretended Mom had kept him from me. He claimed he’d tried sending cards and gifts for my birthday. Here’s the thing. It was my birthday weekend and he didn’t say a thing about it.”

She pats my chest and I realize I’m growling.

“I heard Dad fighting with his wife at night and I eavesdropped through the door. She said she’d thought he’d gotten rid of me. And he calmed her down by saying.” Tears well in her eyes. “By saying, I chose you over her once before. I’ll do it again.”

She gazes up at me, the tears now flowing down her face, “He threw me away.” She wipes her tears away and her face hardens. “I’m not allowing anyone to throw me away again.”

I frame her face with my hands. “He was an asshole. My father was an asshole. But I promise you, not all men are assholes.”

I’m not an asshole, I want to say but I know better than to push it.

She removes my hands from her face before standing. “You agreed to leave after I told you why I don’t believe in commitment.”

I don’t want to leave. I want to gather her into my arms and comfort her but judging by the hardness in her eyes she’ll knee me in the crotch if I try.

“Fine.” I stand. “But this isn’t over.”

She stomps her foot. “Stop saying that!”

I flick up two fingers in acknowledgment as I walk away.

Chapter 22

Raise your hand if you think Eden is more than friends with Miller? *Raising hand emoji* ~ Text from Ashlyn to Eden

“Hello, friends!” Ashlyn greets when I walk intoElectric Vibeswith Moon, Soleil, and Harmony on Friday night.

“Too bad she’s not an Energizer bunny,” Soleil grumbles. “Because then we could remove her batteries.”

Moon frowns. “Don’t be mean. She’s our friend.”

“Friend or millstone around our neck?” Harmony asks.

“Why are we discussing bunnies?” Ashlyn asks. “Unless we’re discussing Miller and Eden humping like bunnies.” She gyrates her hips. “Yes, Miller. Right there, Miller.”

I cross my arms over my chest and glare at Ashlyn. Unfortunately, she’s half a foot taller than me. I probably resemble a mouse confronting a dinosaur. No matter. She’s gone too far.

“I know who your glitter supplier is and I’m not afraid to cut you off.”

She snorts. “I don’t believe you. You haven’t got a mean bone in your body. The question is what kind of bone does Miller have in his body.”

I search the room for a distraction and catch Harmony waving at Elder. I grab onto the opportunity to distract my so-called friends from my non-relationship with Miller with both hands.

I bump Harmony’s hip. “What’s going on with you and Elder?”

“Nothing.” She scowls. “We’re just friends.”

“Friends who bump uglies?” Ashlyn asks.

Harmony rolls her eyes. “No. Geesh. Gross. I consider him a brother.”

Soleil waggles her eyebrows. “His gaze doesn’t say brother.”

“He’s probably plotting his next prank.”

Ashlyn and Moon gasp in unison. “No way. Who does he think he is? This town isn’t big enough for more prankers. We are the prank queens of Winter Falls,” Ashlyn declares before dragging Moon away toward Elder.
