Page 77 of Bragg's Love

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“I can do a lot of things.” I waggle my eyebrows. “Some of which I demonstrated last night.”

She blushes before shrugging. “I guess so.”

“You guess so?” I cock my eyebrow. “Do you need another demonstration?”

She taps her cheek. “Hmm… maybe?”

I prowl toward her and she grins. Crap. I know what she’s doing. She’s distracting me.

“You’re not getting out of this discussion.”

“Why not?” She pouts.

I nip her bottom lip. “Because,” I say against her mouth and she shivers.

“You’re the one who’s distracting me.”

I stand to my full height and run a hand down my chest. “Distracting you? What do you mean?”

She scowls. “You know exactly what I mean.”

“I can’t help it if you find my body irresistible.” I wink.

“You’re impossible.”

“Impossible? Irresistible?” I shrug. “Either one works.”

“I’m done with this. I’m going home.” She stomps toward the front door.

“Don’t forget to return my t-shirt,” I say over my shoulder as I pop a pod into the coffee machine and press brew.

She glances down at the t-shirt and huffs. “Where are my clothes?”

“I’ll tell you as soon as we finish this conversation.”

“Miller Bragg, this is blackmail.”

I cock a brow. “Is it? This is Winter Falls. You can walk home in my t-shirt and no one will care.”

“Except the gossip gals who’ll snap pictures of me doing the walk of shame and post them to the town’s Facebook page.”

“Since when do you care what the gossip gals say?”

Her shoulders deflate as she returns to the kitchen. “Since they focused their attention on us. Freaking ‘Project Enemy’.”

I indicate a chair. “Sit down and I’ll bring you a coffee.”

“I thought you were making me breakfast.”

“Do you want breakfast before our discussion?”

She grunts.

I grab the coffee from the machine and add sugar and cream to it before setting the cup down in front of Eden.

She frowns. “How do you know how I drink my coffee?”

“I pay attention.”
