Page 97 of Bragg's Love

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“Awesome,” Ashlyn says and Harmony scowls at her. “What? I got a new sister-in-law out of the deal.”

Cedar and Ashlyn’s husband are brothers, which makes Cassandra and Ashlyn sisters-in-law. It sounds complicated, but everyone is connected to everyone in small towns. Whether by marriage or blood or friendship. I promise it’s not incestuous. At least, not in the modern day.

“Back to the matter at hand. What happened?” Ashlyn asks.

“Nothing,” Harmony insists. “Elder asked me out. I said no. End of story.”

“He didn’t try to persuade you to say yes?” Soleil asks.

Moon wiggles her eyebrows. “With his tongue?”

“With his dick?” Ashlyn winks.

Harmony shushes her but it’s too late. The gossip gals’ ears are perked up and they smell blood in the water. Wait. Do sharks have ears? I’ll google it later.

“Did someone say dick?” Sage asks as she forces her way to the front of our group.

Ashlyn raises her hand. “I did.”

“Are we discussing how big Miller’s is?” Clove asks. “Because I’m guessing big.”

Feather nods. “He is a big guy.”

“With big feet,” Petal adds.

“Well?” Cayenne motions for me to answer.

“We weren’t discussing Miller,” I explain. “We were discussing Elder.”

“But they’re twins,” Clove points out.

“They’re not identical. Unlike Riley and Brody.” I throw Moon under the bus.

Moon sniffs and lifts her nose. “I don’t discuss the size of male appendages at book club.”

“Why the hell not?” Feather asks. “This is smutty book club. The whole point of smut is the male anatomy.”

“Ahem.” Lilac clears her throat. “Smut does not need to be male and female.”

“If it’s male and male, there’s still swords,” Feather says. “Speaking of which, I read this great M/M romance the other day.” She wanders off to go find the book in the shelves.

I eye the bottles of wine on the bar. I don’t think Aspen stocked enough wine. If we’re spending the evening discussing male anatomy, I’m going to need more wine. Lots and lots of wine.

Lilac sidles up to me. “Have you and the brewery come up with a figure for compensation yet?”

Figure for compensation? My nose wrinkles. “What are you talking about?”

“Uh-oh. Did she hit her head against the headboard and lose her memory?” Sage whispers in a loud voice behind me.

“I remember the brewery expansion, but it’s history. Miller decided to not go through with it.”

Lilac clears her throat and I brace for what she’s going to say. As comptroller of Winter Falls, she knows everything going on in town. Everything business wise at least. She doesn’t care about gossip. She’s the only one in town who doesn’t.

“He hasn’t informed me of such.”

I shrug. “Maybe he forgot. Or didn’t realize he had to.”

My stomach feels the same way it did the first time I dove off the falls at the river. I was terrified then but I’m more than terrified now. Lilac’s expression screams bearer of bad news.
