Page 28 of A Christmas Maker

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Leaning my hip into the table beside me, I take full stock of Thorin. He looks happy right now, even with a little glue still stuck to him. Childlike and carefree as he hangs with the kids. One would never think this is his first time here. “I take it you’re having fun?”

Warm eyes light up as he looks around at the kids. “I am. Thank you for bringing me.”

“You chose this place,” I remind him.

He nods thoughtfully. “I did, but I wouldn’t have known about it without you.”

Fair of him to say. “I’m glad you picked it. This is one of my favorites.”


“Yeah,” I nod. “I used to come here after school sometimes with my Nana Noel.”

“She makes thebestBBQ pulled pork sandwiches,” the same little boy pipes up.

“Evan, you’re eavesdropping,” Thorin politely chides.

“Dude, you’re standing right there.” Evan, the little boy, shrugs. “My mom says if I’m not supposed to overhear something then the grown ups will walk away.”

“Your mom’s a smart lady.” I smile down at him.

Evan nods enthusiastically. “But she doesn’t make BBQ sandwiches.”

Thorin chuckles. “That’s alright, she’s probably good at other stuff.”

“Oh, she is.” Evan tells us before getting pulled into a conversation about football by another child.

“I never thought I’d say this, but I think I want kids after this,” Thorin murmurs. He’s so lost in looking around the room, I don’t think he realizes he said it out loud in front of me.

My ovaries fully agree about wanting kids just as my heart squeezes painfully in my chest, hard enough to take my breath away in a small gasp that goes unnoticed. Thorin would make a great father someday, it just won’t have anything to do with me.


“Sexual frustration and I are old friends.” - Thorin

“Gabriel Donner is saying how atrocious it is that you’re still a sitting board member for Ravenscroft Hotels and how it shows nepotism instead of putting employees and the company first over a drug addict son. A few people have called for a comment regarding that and I’ve referred them to King since he’s acting as your lawyer and personal PR. As for the charity event you attended, it’s only circulating on smaller online magazines,” Holly informs me, tapping her tablet before turning it around so I can see a picture of myself walking into the church. “There’s barely any information on why you’re there. They even called for a comment and I gave them a full explanation.” She sounds positively furious at the lack of attention from last night.

“It was the first volunteering experience, it’s not going to magically kick start my career as a philanthropist,” I tell her in the best placating voice I can manage. Truth is I’m rather pissed too. What if this entire plan to ‘rehabilitate me’ doesn’t work? I’ve never questioned King’s ability to generate results, but this lonely tabloid is starting to make me wonder.

“What about the girl?” Holly asks.

My gaze snaps back to her as an image of Bex in those barely there jean shorts comes to mind. “Who?”

Holly’s brow furrows. “Her name is Beth, right?”

“Bex. Her name is Bexley Hastings. Why?”

Holly nods but doesn’t look up from her tablet. “Oh! Here you are.”

My confusion doesn’t faze her as she hands me the tablet again. This time under Bex’s search results, my face is plastered everywhere. There’s an inimite look to the picture someone snapped of her pulling that lone Cheerio off my face. The title at the top of the article reads,New York’s Top Philanthropist Cares for Ruined Billionaire. “Seriously? Like I’m a charity case?”

Holly presses her lips together, but it’s obvious what she’s going to say.Isn’t this technically the plan?

Annoyance flares in my chest and my tone comes out harsher than I intend it. “I suppose it’s still good even if it comes across like I’m doing community service, at least they are tracking it.”

“Just under her.” Holly takes back the tablet and sighs. “It might bloom into a larger story later today.” She pauses. “I can reach out to King’s assistant to make sure it progresses if you’d like?”

“Do that.”
