Page 34 of A Christmas Maker

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But we’re halfway through October right now. It’s been a few weeks since I’ve even heard from Thorin. “His birthday is the beginning of March though.”

“But Thorin was recognized internationally, so King is speculating that with the positive media coverage surrounding Thorin, someone wasn’t too happy and wanted to smear his name. That same someone wanted to strip him of the fame the recognition of being one of the wealthiest people in the world brought him.”

It dawns on me why King is involved with contracts in Thorin’s affairs. It’s not just about protecting Thorin’s image and helping to appease the shareholders. “King is trying to take down whoever did this to Thorin. The people who took the pictures, the ones spreading the lies.”

“Yes. Thorin didn’t ask for his help since they’ve been tumultuous at best lately, not knowing how to interact. King wants to help, and that means tearing apart the people tormenting his friend.”

“And King needs me because I’m an expert at making people look good.”


I tilt my head as I try to gauge her reaction. “What do you mean?”

“Your job helps counteract what the media is saying while King tries to find who first leaked the photos. You create an alternate image King can use to distract the media while he does his thing. You’re essentially acting as a smoke screen. Butyouspecifically were the other reason. You’re good for Thorin.”

I dumbly point to my own chest, the words she’s saying feeling foreign as I repeat them silently to myself before saying them aloud. “King thinks I’m good for Thorin?” Is today Opposite Day? I feel like I’m suddenly in an alternate reality.

“I don’t know much about your situation prior to now. I know some, but not all,” Emilia admits. “I do know that King and Thorin have been strained lately, before all of this shit with him being a supposed drug addict began. I think King saw an opportunity to right a wrong and jumped on it.”

“That would imply he feels bad about what he did.”

“He does.” Emilia’s voice is terse and blunt as she says it.

Still, I can’t help my immediate reaction to recoil from her stance. King feelingbadis paradoxical of his personality. Wouldn’t all devils feel bad about their actions when it suits them? But not about the action itself?

“He’s coming to the next event Thorin goes to,” Emilia adds. “You can see for yourself then. You’ll probably hear from us soon since we had to confirm a time that everyone’s schedules would align.”

That sounds like a horrific situation to be in. Something I desperately don’t want to be involved in. “Um.”

“I’ll be there too. King will behave, I promise,” Emilia laughs a little at my sullen expression. “You don’t have to look so horrified. He’s grown as a person. I’m helping him work on it.”

Is she blind to King because of her love for him or is he changing because of his love for her? I don’t think they’re going to give me the option to say no to them coming, so I force out, “Alright. I guess I’ll believe it when I see it.”

Emilia grins at me. “Great. Now, I have to ask. Have you ever eaten atVarient?”

I blink at the sudden change in topic. “I can’t say that I have.”

“Oh, it’s quirky and wonderful. Whitney and Carly work in a bookstore just down the street from it and we meet for lunch there all the time. You’ll have to join us.”

Because they’re forcing me to be their friend, I remind myself. Nodding my head in agreement, it takes a moment for a piece of her comment to fully settle in my brain. “Wait, Whitney, Aillard’s girlfriend, works in abookstore?”

She hums happily. “It’s awesome. Whitney gives the best book recommendations.”

“But–” I stop myself from saying what I’m inwardly thinking. In college, Aillard always surrounded himself with girls who were heiresses or business sharks. Women who were from money or planning on making it in a similar league he was in. But he’s with someone who works at abookstore; something completely at odds to the man I knew.

Emilia wags her finger at me. “I see where your mind is going, but money doesn’t matter to him when it comes to her. I’m pretty sure if he could have it his way he would move her in with him but she likes her space. She likes taking things slow even though I bet Aillard already has a dossier for their wedding made up.” She rolls her eyes. “I bet King and him have even compared notes.”

“Wow.” There’s nothing else I can say. It’s so far from the realm of the men I knew in college that it’s a juxtaposition of information.

Her eyes soften as she looks at me, almost like my thoughts are being spoken aloud. “They’re different than when you knew them. They’ve changed.”

Maybe they really have. The marriage comment strikes me out of everything. It seems the most ludicrous but Emilia says it like it’s a common topic amongst them. Especially after King’s private conversation with me asking about love and being married to Thorin. “And you’re okay with marrying someone like King?” I cautiously inquire.

“I love him,” Emilia answers easily. “He’s my better half. What you see and what I see are diametrically opposed. I’ve come to terms with the fact King is not a nice person to others. I’m special in that regard. I want everyone to see him the way I do, but I also know it’s not going to happen. Life isn’t as easy as we like to pretend it can be.”

She’s completely right about that.

“The online world thinks you’re a savior and kind, but it’s notallyou are. I’m sure there’s someone out there who will think physically meeting you will be less glamorous than the life you lead online,” she points out.

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