Page 40 of A Christmas Maker

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“Shall I send them away?”

As much as this mystery woman piques my interest on what she’s doing here based on Detrick’s description, I don’t have the time to entertain anyone’s shenanigans. “Have her make an appointment or take a message if she’s determined to see me. But right now I’m busy.”

“Sure thing.” He disappears back behind the door.

A few seconds later there’s a high pitched shout, a thud, and then my office door is tossed open once again. This time, Detrick’s shocked face is standing behind a woman tossing a dazzling smile in my direction like we’re long lost friends.

“Ms. Hastings isbusy,” my assistant’s loud voice growls in outrage. “You need to leave immediately or I’ll be forced to call security.”

“No need for that dear, this will just take a second,” the woman replies. Her head swivels back in my direction and I’m hit with a sense that I’ve seen her before but can’t quite place her face on how I know her. Her red hair is teased into a mass of curls that look exhausting for whatever poor stylist was tasked to create such a monstrosity. Her rainbow glittery dress is giving me a headache as the fluorescent lighting tosses rainbows arcing in every direction. Not to mention this woman’s breasts seem to be struggling to stay within the confines of her dress. She really looks more fitting for a midnight rager on Bourbon Street than in a corporate office at midday.

“I really don’t have time for this,” I tell her, setting my pen down on my legal pad. I tilt my head at Detrick, motioning for him to get a move on with calling security. Thankfully he immediately dives for his desk to help rid ourselves of whoever this woman is. Clearly she’s lost based on her attire.

“This won’t work a second time,” she announces, her tiny nose poised in the air.

I have no idea what she’s talking about. “I beg your pardon?”

“If you continue to play this stupid gameagain, I’ll go to the media.”

My chair creaks as I lean back into the worn leather. “This conversation would be a lot more interesting if I knew who you were and what you’re talking about. Let’s begin with your name.” I motion to myself first. “I’m Bexley Hastings.” I gesture towards her. “And you are?”

Her entire face turns the color of her hair. “Jessica!”

Nope. Not a single person I’ve worked with before. My brow crinkles in confusion. “Are you here on behalf of a client?” Although her statement makes me think she’s perhaps working with a client that mine is poised against. It wouldn’t be the first time someone tries to drum up some blackmail for the sake of getting ahead in a political position. “I’m sorry, you’re going to have to elaborate.”

Her arms flap. “Jessica!” she shouts in outrage.

Detrick pops his head back behind her. “Security is on their way,” he informs me. He turns his harsh scowl to the back of the woman’s head.

“I don’t think you have the right person for whatever crusade you came here on,” I inform Jessica. “I’m sure you got my name from somewhere, but you were ill informed on whatever information you were given.”

Her eyes widen as her nostrils flare. The look makes me think smoke should be emitting from her ears. “I’m Jessica Lancaster!” she announces for the third time. “I was engaged toThorin Ravenscroft!”

The lightbulb flickers on in my brain, recalling the redhead from college I avoided like the plague the last year she was on campus. It’s been years and her face has more cosmetic surgery than ought to be legal, but I genuinely have no idea why she’s here since I haven’t seen her since my time at NYU was up. “I see.”

Detrick presses his lips together from behind her shoulder, clearly unimpressed by her statement.

“You know who I am!” she rages.

“You’re no longer a part of Thorin’s life,” I say calmly. “Whatever it is you’re doing here isn’t in a professional capacity and I’m going to need you to leave.”Because I’m liable to throw my stapler at you if you stay.

“Keep away from Thorin. He doesn’t need your negativity in his life!”

Rich, coming from the woman who spent an awful lot of time hating me and making my life a living hell at college by spreading an obscene amount of rumors. I breathe in deeply, trying to remind myself she was cheated on, but it doesn’t give her a reason for the current predicament of her in my office. “It’s been eight years. You’re not part of his life anymore.”

Her sneer gives me pause. “I was just with him. We’re having dinner together later. He needs someone stable with everything going on.”

Isn’t that supposed to be me?“I don’t see how Thorin volunteering with me is in any way your business.”

“It’s my business because you’re poisonous. You probably concocted this entire thing to get back in his life. Daddy isn’t bankrolling you anymore, right? You must have weaseled your way into his life wanting money.” She tilts her nose up. “Well, you won’t get away with it. If you continue pursuing him, I’ll be sure to tell the press just howshadyof a person New York’s top philanthropist truly is.”

Even though her tone is meant to scare me away, it does the opposite. “You’re not going to run to the press about me, Jessica.”

Her haughty attitude only amplifies as she crosses her arms over her chest. “I’m not?” It’s said as a dare. One she shouldn’t be making.

“No,” I say evenly. “Because if you run off to the press to tell them I’m Thorin’s ex-wife, it’ll only drag him down. And you don’t want that. Whatever you have going on with him needs to reflect as thoughyou’rethe one making him recuperate his image.” I’m not dumb. I know her entire goal of being here is to fuck with me until I agree to leave Thorin alone. And while what she’s saying might have some merit, I know King wouldn’t have told Aillard to blackmail me into a meeting if there was another option. His tactic was too drastic. So while I may not like her words, they’re mostly full of hot air.

Before Jessica can begin to say anything else, Sean from the security team steps up behind our unwanted visitor. His thick Nigerian accent causes Jessica to jump and spin around. “I believe you are no longer allowed inside Hastings Center, Miss. I’m going to need you to leave.” He doesn’t give her the option to protest. Grabbing her upper arm, he redirects her back towards the elevators.
