Page 49 of A Christmas Maker

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King:Of course not. Since I informed the police we would be going public with our view of events, they’ve been eagerly willing to help. I believe the Police Commissioner is having others breathe down his throat about how something so horrendous could happen to someone so wealthy. Makes them nervous for the rest of the city.

I roll my eyes. Nothing surprises me about this city anymore. Everyone is after saving their own skin when it comes down to it. But if this is what it takes to get traction in my case, so be it. My thumbs fly over the keyboard:Just so you’re aware, Dad is telling the board I’m spending time with Bex. He’s advocating that it’snota publicity stunt however.

King:I heard back from Detrick. She’s at home resting.

My brow furrows as I reread his message twice. He didn’t react about Dad stepping into King’s domain of trying to fix things with ulterior motives.

The following message from King is an address with the simple instructions:Check on her.

I type out “why” but don’t bother hitting send. Iwantto check on her. I want to see her, hear her voice, and listen about her day. And I have absolutely no right to push myself into her life further than I already have.

Holding myself at a distance from her isn’t working, though. I crave the time I spend with her. No amount of wishful thinking, separation, or fighting the urge to reach out to her is making this easier.

I want her.

I shouldn’t.

And it’s driving me insane going back and forth on what to do about the tumult emotions running through me.

Leaning back in my seat, I shut off my phone and take another look around the room at large.

These people are talking about my life, the ongoings of it, and what future I have in a company with my goddamn last name plastered to it. And Dad is quietly watching the people scramble to twist their tune to fit his new agenda where my status doesn’t change.

Still, there’s push back. Not everyone is on board. I particularly eye Claude and Sheldon with disdain.

“They’re going to run themselves in circles arguing before everyone finally accepts they need to move on,” Dad mutters out the corner of his mouth. “I’m sure you have more riveting things to do with your time, Thorin.”

“This involves me.”

Dad subtly shakes his head. “Their pissing match isn’t about you, not really. They want their voices to be heard. Everyone was willing to follow them beforehand, and now you’ve stripped their menial amount of power from them again, so their egos are hurt. They’re trying to make a mountain out of a molehill simply to be contrary. You don’t need to be here for this part.”

Did King text Dad about Bex when I wasn’t looking? I squint as I look over his face, but he stays neutral. Finally I give up with a sigh. “Fine.”

Before I can stand up, Dad smirks at me. “Remember to send me more information for Ravenscroft Center.” He keeps his voice steady, but it still carries throughout the room. Several people turn their attention to him with curious gazes. He winks at me. “Don’t worry, I can handle this.”

Offering a reluctant smile, I stand up and walk out of the room without giving anyone attention. Several assistants are waiting outside, all collaborating on something well beneath my pay grade. Holly is off to the side at a lone seat, typing furiously on her laptop when I step by her. It looks to be some sort of email, but I can’t make out who it’s to, just that it’s not professional if the all capsGET A LIFEis anything to go by.

“Mr. Ravenscroft,” she squeals when she glances up. Immediately she slams the top of her laptop down and shoves it away as if it will suddenly burst into flames before her.

I life an eyebrow. “Anything I need to be concerned about?”

“Do you understand your gender’s inability to comprehend basic commands and manners?” she barks out before huffing and squeezing her eyes shut. Pulling in a deep breath, she collects herself. “Sorry, ignore me. Is there anything you need?”

“Can you ensure I have copies of my files for Ravenscroft Center sent to my email? I’ll be working remotely today and want to continue from there.”

“Of course. Would you also like the printouts couriered to your penthouse?”

“Ah, no.”

She frowns. “No, sir?”

“I’m actually on my way to meet with Bexley.”

“I didn’t realize. Is it on your calendar? Detrick hasn’t sent over anything.” Her eyes widen comically. “Did I miss something?”

“No!” I interrupt her frantic thoughts. “This is new. She’s feeling unwell.” I shuffle awkwardly on my feet. Why is this so hard? It shouldn’t matter. “I want to check on her,” I finish lamely.

Holly merely stares at me for a few seconds before nodding her head. She easily slips off her seat and grabs her laptop. “That sounds like a fantastic idea. I’m sure she’ll appreciate knowing she’s being thought of. I’ll run to the office and scan anything you don’t already have and send it over. Tell her I hope she feels better.”
