Page 54 of A Christmas Maker

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Peace. Funny how different our perspectives are on what occurred. But eight years is a long time in terms of what happened. The pain may not feel so long ago, but the actions were. Perhaps Thorin is a different man, he certainly hasn’t given me any reason to believe he isn’t.

Haven’t we paid the cost of our actions already?

I bite my lip, thinking more about it. We’ve both been suffering in different ways this entire time. Both trying to adjust to the actions we made in our new avenues in life. “This time will be different?”

“I fucking know it will.”

“You don’t know everything.” I can’t stop the teasing lilt to my voice.

Thorin drops his arm until his fingers are close enough to graze the side of my face gently. “I know I was our undoing. I know you’ll be my reckoning. I know you’re scared to feel even a millimeter of the same intense emotions I feel when it comes to us. I know I have a lot to prove, but I have all the time in the world to prove it. I know you see my darkness that doesn’t come out very often and you don’t fear it. You’re extraordinary, Bexley Hastings, in case anyone hasn’t told you recently.”

Tears prick at my eyes as my nose begins to burn with the thick swell of emotion rising in my chest. “You don’t have to say that.”

“I don’t have to say anything. I’m making a statement, you don’t get to argue with me about it.”

My lips quirk in a small, reluctant smile. He’s still as bossy as before. “Thank you.”

“Now, close your eyes and take a nap. We’ll discuss things further after you’ve had a good amount of sleep. I’ll be here.” He reaches over towards the edge of the bed and produces his phone. “I have enough work to keep me occupied for right now.” To prove his point, he opens up his email app that’s brimming with hundreds of unread messages and pointedly stares at it.

Whatever. If he wants to be the weirdo laying in my bed beside me while I nap, then so be it. Clearly he wants to be here if him getting undressed is anything to go by. Still, my body feels too awake to drift off to sleep with him so close. My nerves too flayed to simmer down and let the steady breathing of him lull me into sleep.

Shuffling down further on the bed, I bring the comforter up over my head and descend into the darkness beneath. I don’t know how long it takes, seconds or minutes, but my body grows accustomed to his heat penetrating the covers and slipping over to my side. Slowly the heavenly smell of his cologne begins to soothe my jitters, calming my body, and I’m able to drift off with one final thought, courtesy of my heart with all my walls dropped down:

I could get used to this.


“My vagina gets me into so much trouble.” - Bex

There’s a pleasant feeling pressing into my neck. Warmth with a spicy scent tickling my nose. Something niggles at my brain trying to pull me from the fog of sleep I’m desperately clinging to. I know the moment I open my eyes, plunging myself back into reality, I’ll slip into the anxiety of everything surrounding my life making it tilt on its axis.

A hum vibrates against my neck, warmth bathing me once again.

“Bex,” Thorin’s voice murmurs, his breath tickling me.

I jolt, almost smashing my head into his as I realize he’s kissing the side of my neck. Twisting slightly over, I stare up at Thorin’s handsome face hovering in amusement above mine.

“Figured you wouldn’t want to sleep more than two hours,” he says.

I slept for that long? Pressing up on my elbows, I squint towards the digital clock on the far side of the wall where my dresser is. Strategically placed so I’m forced to get out of bed in the morning for work.

“How’s your migraine?”


A sexy smirk graces his face, darkening his eyes as he hums appreciatively. “Are you sure?”

Nervous giggles escape as I eye him warily. “Why are you asking?”

“I got a fair amount of work done while you were asleep. However, you’re terribly distracting looking so peaceful lying beside me that I rushed through the last pieces I needed to get done. No doubt Holly will be editing a fair amount of my documents.” Thorin dips his head down, pressing a kiss to my forehead. “You’re beautiful.”

The heat in my cheeks darkens my face a ruddy color. “You’re not being professional right now.”

“I think I threw professional out the window when I stripped down to my boxers, don’t you think?” Thorin challenges playfully. “Not to mention my cock is hard as a fucking rock watching you sleep next to me.”

My mouth tumbles open. Sputtering, I can barely manage to formulate words at his crass observation. “You were definitelynotlike this eight years ago.”

He purses his lips, thinking hard enough I can see the creases around his eyes draw in. “True. I think by now you know the version you got is far closer to the real me than anyone else sees. I’m also more of a blunt bastard now than I was then. Will that be a problem?”

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