Page 57 of A Christmas Maker

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Thorin moves above me, wiping his wet mouth against my stomach, smearing my arousal back onto my skin. He smirks as my eyes widen at the gesture. Settling between my legs, I bring my knees up until they’re hooked behind his hips and get my first look in a really long time at Thorin’s cock.

It stands upright, slightly tilted at an angle as the bulbous head leaks precum out. He grabs his shaft, stroking firmer than I did as he watches me. “I don’t have a condom,” he grunts.

Shit. I’m not on birth control. The hormones had bad side effects when I was a teenager so I opted for naturally tracking my cycles and ovulation. Not to mention I haven’t had a sexual partner in years so retaining when I typically ovulate isn’t clearly popping up in my head. “Um–”

“I’ll pull out.”

Like teenagers claim to do?I want to ask but he’s sliding against me, parting my folds to wet himself and all I can suddenly think is,that’s totally fine. Making some form of affirmational noise, I close my eyes as Thorin maintains his steady gliding. My hips tilt up, gaining friction as he rubs against my clit roughly. Sparks begin to set off across my chest, tightening my nipples as my toes curl in pleasure.

Slightly adjusting his weight, Thorin drags his cock down to my opening and pauses, looking at me for a clear sign this is what I want. Nodding a little too eagerly, he softly chuckles before pushing inside. The chuckles fade abruptly, turning into a desperate moan. “Fuck, Bex,” he breathes out. “You’re so fucking tight.”

His size burns a little, making my vaginal walls stretch to accommodate his size. Before I can formulate a response, he begins moving. His thrusts aren’t slow and gentle, easing me into his size and girth. No, he pulls back almost all the way out and slams forward, over and over again. The wet sound of us colliding fills the air.

Moving his hand towards my inner thigh, Thorin places his thumb right on my clit, swirling it around and causing my brain to clap out as pleasure overrides my senses.

All I can feel is him. Hear the way our bodies join together over and over again. Let the rocking bed motion pull me deeper into my state of bliss.

I’m panting, breathing hard as a sudden harsh thrust sends me cascading over the edge once again. I call his name, my fingers clawing at his shoulders to hold on for dear life as I ride out my orgasm. The whole world dips and spins, my toes cramping as my thighs and body shake. Everything feels as though I’ve been touched by a live wire, the moment shocking and devastating in the best possible way.

Thorin curses, his hips roughly plunging in and out, his cock gliding in just right; I swear it kisses my cervix. Then he grips both of my thighs tightly, pulling his hips away as cool air suddenly bathes over my skin. He reaches for his angry red cock, stroking furiously as he closes his eyes, head tilted back towards the ceiling as he reaches the pinnacle of his orgasm.

Then he comes all over my pussy, warm liquid coating my skin and lower stomach.

It’s filthy.


And I fucking love it.

Thorin’s eyes pop open, staring down at the mess he made and satisfaction covers his face. He leans over on his side, propping himself up to look down at my body with a gleeful observance. “You look nice painted this way.” He runs his fingers through the mess, tracing his name with his come.

“Are you marking your property right now?” I snort, not really caring for the caveman act since I’m still riding high from my last orgasm.

Lips pursing, he shrugs. “Yeah, I guess I am.” He lifts a dark eyebrow. “Still want to go on a date with me?”

“As long as it’s not right now,” I yawn, covering my mouth with my hand. “Then yes.”

He brushes his lips over my collarbone, dropping a quick open mouthed kiss on my skin. “Did you think I was going to change my mind after stripping off your clothes?” he murmurs. “Or did you have faith in me?”

It takes a moment to figure out what he’s referring to. Did I think he only said those things to get into my pants? No. The thought never crossed my mind before or after. “It didn’t occur to me.”

“Good. It never should.” He places another kiss on my shoulder. “Because I’m holding you to the dates you promised me.” Leveling me with a look, he sternly says, “Compromise. One of us brings dinner to the other when we have a free moment. I know it’ll lean more heavily on me and that’s fine. Maybe when you feel comfortable, you’ll make time for me. I’ll earn my way into becoming a priority in your life.” He presses his lips to my forehead. Lowing his voice to nearly a whisper, he adds, “Because if there’s one thing I’m willing to fight for in this world, Bexley Hastings, it’s you.”

A gooey feeling wraps itself around my heart while my brain tries to infiltrate with logic, but I’m too deaf to listen to any insecurities right now. I want to stay in the little gooey center of his words and bask in the afterglow of my orgasms without reality crashing in.

“Come on, let’s shower and see if you’ll eat a proper meal, hm?” he asks, slipping off my bed and offering out his hand for me to join him.

I don’t hesitate, something I would have done this morning. Instead I take his hand, wrapping my fingers tightly around his as he pulls me off the duvet and into my en suite bathroom. As I trail behind him, I wish to any star in the galaxy listening that something good comes from this, even if it’s just to heal.


“This is easier than I expected it to be. And I don’t know if that’s a shame or wishful thinking.” - Bex

There are people everywhere. Some are looking around the group gathered outside in a surprised manner, while others holding large cameras flash their lights at anything and everything. The paparazzi finally seem to have caught onto Thorin’s presence at the charity events I go to, and they came out in full force tonight.

We’re just getting done with cleaning graffiti off pillars at a school some kids vandalized as a form of gang initiation. Sometimes I wonder how spray painting a giant dick spraying spaceships instead of cum over a set of lockers makes you show your worth to others, but whatever.

Tonight has a larger gathering than usual. The PTA is promoting a carnival in the gymnasium across campus but everyone funnels in and out of the same entry point so no one gets caught wandering around the high school lost. Still, a few of the kids’ faces turn red as the cameras direct their way before shifting back down.
