Page 76 of A Christmas Maker

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“And everyone is okay with it?”

A cruel smirk twists the corners of Thorin’s lips. “Oh yes, by the time I was done speaking everyone was pretty much on the same thought pattern of Jessica simply wanting her fifteen minutes of fame after her engagement ended. I even got a dig in at Donner Hotels,” he says happily. “Made him look like a real fool for playing into her hands.”

“That’s good.”

Thorin presses his lips together. “I am sorry this is affecting your charity work. I had no idea it would touch that aspect of your life. If anything I expected places to simply ask me not to attend or to make sure there weren’t any leaks as to where I’d be. I know how important this is to you.”

Sighing, I rub at the spot between my eyes to hopefully ward off the stress induced migraine I can feel threatening to appear. “I don’t blame you if that’s what you’re worried about. I know how selfish Jessica can be. I also know how deplorable the media is which is why I rarely pay them any attention. But I appreciate the fact you’ve managed to find ways to fill my time while the charities become less in the spotlight.”

“I know that volunteering is one of the ways you feel like you’re with your mother, so I thought it was only fair that I found alternative options in the meantime.” Thorin shrugs as if thinking of ways to make my life easier is an easy sacrifice of his time.

“Do you want to volunteer with Aillard and King’s charities with me?”

Thorin graces me with a wide, pleased smile. “I would love to, Bex. You don’t have to ask. Tell Detrick to set it up with Holly so I know what time is best to schedule my meetings around that won’t interfere.”

“You really thought of everything,” I muse.

“If that were true I would have known how vindictive Jessica would act knowing we’re back together and been able to prevent it. But when it comes to you, yes I take your needs into consideration.”

Staring at Thorin in surprise, a warmth sensation spreads through my body. He really does care about me, just like King said. Logically I knew this, he’s always kind and thoughtful, but everything recently has put it into a new perspective. Is this what it will be like in the future when we’re together for longer? I know Thorin is already making plans for the future, but it’s not sending me into a panic attack to think about. No, instead I feel safe and secure in our relationship.

“What’s that look for?” Thorin murmurs.

Instead of responding to him, I rise from my chair and make my way over to Thorin. He offers me his hand as I lower myself down on his lap. Sliding my arm around his shoulders to steady myself, I lean forward and brush a kiss across the corner of his mouth.


“It’s just nice to be thought of and taken care of,” I tell him honestly. “This is new territory for me. But even with King in my office, I felt included in your inner circle.”

“You’ve always been a part of my inner circle. You know me better than almost everyone else. I’m glad King wasn’t a dick to you since it’s his default mode.”

“I think he’s just happy that even though everything is crazy in our lives, we’re happy together and working on things instead of pushing each other away.”

Thorin hums in agreement. His hand cups my cheek, turning my head until our lips brush against each other. For several moments we simply melt into our own world, distancing ourselves from everything going on in our lives. Every brush of his lips over mine brings my feelings closer to the surface until I almost can’t bear not saying my feelings.

“Thorin–” I start to say, ready to spill my emotions even if it seems like too soon. Who knows when the next time we’ll have a moment of stolen peace? But he stops me from saying anything.

“I know this is a lot to take in, but we can weather this storm together, okay?” Thorin murmurs, brushing his thumb across my cheek.

We haven’t said the words, but King is right, our actions speak of the love we aren’t ready to say. “Okay.”


“The hardest thing in life is being truthful about yourself.” - Thorin

I rewatch the same segment King sent me on my phone of Gabriel Donner stuttering to find solid ground as the media hounds him with questions about his stance on knowing Jessica’s statements were under attack by pretty much everyone close to me. He’s trying to save face, but he’s already on the sinking ship.

Janet, the person assigned to be my assistant on set today, walks closer with her clipboard tucked tightly against her chest. She looks like Miss Frizzle but I don’t think she’d appreciate the comparison if I said it aloud.

Pocketing my phone, I straighten off the wall I’m leaning against. “Are they ready for me?”

After nearly two weeks of waiting, King’s PR department was able to secure a televised interview that had previously been pushed back due to a Senate debacle blowing up everywhere. Finally I was here, prepped with a microphone and ready to get this over with so I can get back to work on the Ravenscroft Center.

Emilia had given me the number to an interior designer who could help decorate the inside of the Center since the hotels would resemble the same ornate structures of a typical Ravenscroft Hotel. As far as I knew, the designer and Bex hit it off, enjoying choosing a neutral theme for the different board rooms and main event space.

“Yes,” Janet says to me, breaking me out of my thoughts. “Areyouready?” she volleys back.

“The sooner we do this, the quicker the world will move on.” Not to mention we’re a week from Thanksgiving, soon enough there will be plenty of other newsworthy items to report on. The fact I’m trending more than football is concerning.

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