Page 79 of A Christmas Maker

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“That’s very impressive news,” Diana smiles. “And this is being headed by you?”

“Yes, it was my idea. When one opportunity closes, I find alternative avenues. My father, the board, and the shareholders are very excited about this new avenue for the Ravenscroft name to be associated with. I’m sure the area will continue to thrive with the addition of our company.”

“Can we have a hint as to where the Ravenscroft Center will be located?” Diana asks, her grin widening knowing the answer to come.

“No. We’ll do a large unveiling early next year,” I chuckle.

“Will Bexley be with you?”

“I hope so.” I can’t stop the laugh from spilling from me. “I’ve already planted the seed in her father’s head about how serious I am about her. Hopefully she’s aware as well.”

“If she’s not, she definitely will be later today,” Diana laughs as well. “Thank you, again, Thorin for meeting with us and speaking about such a tragic and difficult time in your life. It’s always best to learn the truth from those directly affected by the rumors swirling around. I know most would have preferred to stay private, so we greatly appreciate your candor.”

“Of course, thank you for having me.”

Diana turns to face a camera head on, signing off from her short show before the music once again blares throughout the room and then stops. The cameras pan away, the harsh lighting we’re under dims, and the rest of the studio illuminates. People immediately begin bustling around as they do their jobs.

Janet moves forward, still clutching the clipboard to her chest tightly as she offers me a brilliant smile. “You did very well, Thorin. Everyone is moved by your interview.”

I want to ask her what she’s talking about since we just finished not even a full minute ago, but Diana is already speaking.

“She’s right. You gave statements of fact, which helps your case. I’m glad you thought of me to perform this interview,” Diana says. “I don’t think I’ve ever had my producers sincerely jump at the chance when King came calling, wanting to know if I was interested in interviewing you over the rumors regarding your life. Typically I stay away from gossip pieces, but this felt like the right thing to do.”

“I appreciate it,” I tell her honestly. Thankfully King did his research on who to ask to interview me, because I would have despised speaking with someone who wanted to pry further into my life than the questions Diana was permitted to ask for her thirty-minute show.

“Please tell Bexley I said hello.” Diana leans forward in her seat with her hand outstretched for me to shake.

“I will.” Rising from my chair after shaking her hand, I move towards Janet off the stage. I spy Holly standing behind her, a phone to her ear as she quickly moves closer to me. When I raise my eyebrow at her, she simply holds out the phone for me to readBex. “Hey, sweetheart,” I immediately say. “Is everything okay? I literally just got done.”

“I know,” Bex’s warm voice filters through the phone. “I told Holly to call me as soon as you were done. I want you to know I’m proud of you.”

“Did you see the interview?”

“No,” Bex huffs, like my question doesn’t matter. “I know you and I want you to know I’m proud of you even if I didn’t see it. I was editing and got a little too into what I was doing. Detrick brought me brunch since I apparently skipped breakfast.”

If Detrick was under my payroll, he’d be getting a raise for looking after my woman the way he does. It’s clear he loves her and cares about her wellbeing. “Good. I’m also supposed to tell you that Diana Preston says hello.”

Bex chuckles. “Oh man, I haven’t heard her name in so long. That’s who interviewed you this morning? I didn’t get the chance to read King’s text in detail; I just saw that your interview was happening today.”

“Yeah. I guess she knew your mother.”

“She did. Mom used to tell me about how much she loved Diana’s journalist pieces when she traveled all over the world reporting on news from other countries. I was taught from a very young age not to just focus on what’s happening here in America, but all over the world so I wouldn’t be narrow minded about different topics. It’s part of the reason I like to volunteer at such a variety of places because I don’t judge people from different walks of life.”

In my opinion, her mother and grandmother raised her to be the best version of herself. She’s such a kindhearted and loving person. I’ve never heard Bex talk down to anyone, besides those of us who wronged her gravely. Even then she never spoke to the media or anyone about our treatment of her. Unlike many other women from my past.

“Are we still meeting later?” Bex asks.

My response is immediate. “Of course.”

“I’ll see you later then.”

We hang up, my nerves almost nonexistent after speaking with Bex. Somehow she knew I needed her particular brand of charm immediately after something as serious as this interview. She stopped what she was doing, even knowing it would interrupt her work, so she could talk to me. And I feel myself falling a little more in love with Bexley Hastings.


“Time is all it takes to unravel every mystery.” - Thorin

I narrow my eyes at Aillard, who crosses his arms over his chest as we each glare from our respective tables with boxes in front of us. We got tired of waiting for the women to grab dinner, so we came up with a game on who could fit more books into their box to be delivered to the next charity. Now we’re waiting for the women to count how many we each managed, although they keep pausing to gripe at us for acting like children.
