Page 56 of The Anti-hero

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Who knew that Goode boy had it in him?

I don’t know who this guy is, but he’s making me want to go back to church again.

I’ve also watched the video itself about a hundred times too. Not to brag, but I can’t get over how good I look, how hotweare together. Sage really does appear like she’s riding my dick and enjoying it. And that filthy expression on my face is something I didn’t even know I could do.

My mind is racing when I get back to my apartment. Texts, DMs, and calls have been coming in like crazy. Apparently, this video went viral fucking fast. I had no idea so many people even cared, but once it got out that Truett Goode’s oldest son made a sex tape on FanVids, the media went wild with it. People who had no clue who I was before today are suddenly following my social media accounts in droves.

Everyone loves a scandal.

The one person I haven’t heard from yet—who I expected to—is my father. And that might be the call I’m most anxious to get. Dread and excitement are warring for control in my head as I anticipate his reaction.

On the one hand, I can’t fucking wait to hear how pissed he is.

On the other…I’ve spent my whole life pleasing him. Being the perfect son. His protégé. Doing everything right, the way he wanted. Playing the role of the well-behaved son is my entire identity. It’s all I know.

So yeah…shedding that responsibility is like crawling out of my own skin.

The incoming message notifications get overwhelming, so I put my phone on Do Not Disturb as I drop onto the couch in my apartment and watch the video again. I wish I knew why this is so addicting and why I can’t stop watching it.

Opening my text message thread with Sage, I type out a message with a smile on my face.

Three million views.

She types back her response immediately.

Everyone loves a good boy gone bad.

Grinning at her message, something strikes me about it—something not right.

It’s because of the way I acted in that video. Not because you’re bad. You know that, right?

I’m blushing.

You’re too sweet, Church Boy.

Well, I just wanted to make sure you knew that.

Um, hello.

Duh, Mr. “Fucking Ride It.”

Now it’s my turn to blush.

I reply. My smile stretches across my face as I stare at her messages, hearing them in her voice.

I didn’t know you had it in you.

She replies.

Neither did I.

I take it you’ve never been rough with a girl before.

Not like that.

Well, you should try.

You clearly have a knack for degradation.
