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He’s somewhat managed to become a society darling here in Boston in the past few years, but he never fooled me.

The guy has bastard written all over him, and the fact that these two dickheads are talking about him in conjunction with my mystery girl makes alarm bells ring all around me.

I listen more; they keep on giggling and whispering like two schoolgirls, and I can’t really make out what they’re saying.

They don't say her name, only calling her theIce Queen, and apparently, they believe one of them willget her to meltbefore the night is over.

I feel pure fury boiling in my veins and snap my mouth shut, my jaw tensing as I keep myself from turning around, grabbing them like the bags of shit they are, and knocking their heads together.

It would definitely not be good for business if I ended up spending the night in jail.

They're not worth getting my hands dirty anyway, and I'll never let them get close to her.

And,Ice Queen?

Why would they call her by such a nickname?

And how come I feel like it’s familiar to me?

Like I’ve heard it mentioned before somewhere.

I frown, trying to remember when it happened and to whom it was referred to. Still, I dismiss the thought completely when I hear that my angel is already putting one of the two jerks –Denver– in his place with some curtly-delivered barbs that leave him floundering for a rebuke.

I smile to myself. Looks like she didn't need saving, after all. She sent him packing pretty quickly. There’s a defiant look in her eyes, but I can see something behind it, something she's trying to hide, a fragility I’ll give everything I have and am to protect.

She tries to look brave and unaffected, but I can tell she is feeling weary in this atmosphere.

As I again resume my walk toward her, my progress is slowed down by the crowd surrounding me.

I see her slipping out from the reception room when a business acquaintance approaches me in the company of my dad; problem is I can’t stay put and make nice. Not this time.

I have to get to her. I need to talk to her.

I notice that sucker, Lowson, following her outside, and I see red.

I don't care that she is absolutely safe in such a crowd and in a place like this, and I don't care that she has proven she can stand on her own two feet just fine and take care of herself. I don’t want her to have to deal with him.

It doesn't take me much to catch up with them, but I can't see her. Her small frame is hidden from me by Lowson standing in front of her –way too fucking close to her for my comfort.

I hear her huff and try to move past him. "For Heaven's sake, can't you take a hint? Not interested, not looking for company, and definitely not in search of your definition ofgood time, you jackass. Move along, and let me be."

Her confident yet annoyed tone stops me for a second and makes me smile a little. It's the first time I've ever heard a word from her luscious lips, and I already love her voice. For a moment, I forget about the motherfucker blocking my view of her and just focus on her words and the strength with which they are delivered, her voice unfaltering and determined.

The asshole shrugs. “Oh, come on now, baby, I just want to have some fun. Don’t you want to lose that moniker already? Aren’t you tired of being the Ice Queen of Boston?”

She scoffs. “Oh my, you really are charming… are these the pick-up skills that landed you a position amongst the hottest bachelors of the city? Hmm… didn’t think so. Maybe you're tired of the attention and want to get the hordes of single ladies off your back? If that's the case, keep on acting like this, and they will run the other way. You have the douchebag act down to a freaking tee."

I can't help myself, and I chuckle at her witty reprimand. She has offended this asshat on more levels than I’m sure he can actually understand.

He takes a step closer to her, and so do I.

I see him grab her, and clenching my jaw, I run to them, ready to take him down, but I don’t need to. My mystery woman elbows him in the ribs and breaks free.

He doubles over in pain, bawling like a little bitch, and she bends down a bit to look him in the eye. Her full lips purse in a thin smile. She raises one elbow and points a finger toward it. "I'm quite happy to keep the moniker, jerk, and you can go tell your little friends that this Ice Queen has sharp edges all over.”

Lowson straightens up, and I see him shaking his head slowly. "Jonathan used to say you were a little uptight but lots of fun once he got you going.”

I see her throat hollowing as she sucks in a breath and physically recoils at the mention of that name.
