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Fuck, I should have asked for her last name or for her fucking number, but no. I had to maul her like that, like the tactless bulldozer that I am.

Sure, she enjoyed herself and was more than a willing participant, and there's not a fucking doubt in my mind that whatever was going on —isgoing on— between us, she felt it as well. She was so shaken when that dipshit mentioned that other silver-spoon-licking, self-serving asshole of Withmore, though. I should have brought her back to the reception room, fetched her a drink, and made her talk about whatever was upsetting her. I should have. I just couldn't help myself, though. I had to have her, and I figured we could talk later, and then my dad called me with the worst timing ever in the history of worst timings, and in a matter of seconds, she was gone.

I feel my chest tightening and my cock jerking at the memory of the feel of her in my arms. Everything inside of me is yearning for her.

Damn it, I shouldn’t have let her out of my sight.

Why did she leave like that?

I searched the entire fucking museum for her, and I couldn't spot her. I asked Tasha and Didi if they knew who she was, and aside from telling me that she was the woman I had been staring at like she was a personification of the Holy Grail itself, they could not give me much.

Tasha said her name did ring a bell, as did theIce Queennickname, but she could not put her finger on it.

There was not much I could do other than hope she would come back at some point. No matter how little I cared for the gala, I couldn’t just up and leave.

As it was, I barely made it back in time for the speeches that my dad and then Maxwell gave —which were also the reason for my father’s call.

I had to smile, nod and give my own stupid speech, thanking Avalon’s board of directors for appointing me with the honor and the responsibility of being the next chairman. Still, I don't recall a word I said, though Maryssa and my dad said it was good, even if I appeared distracted, and people were clapping at the end, so hopefully, I did not put my foot in my mouth too deeply with my careless delivery of it.

It's not that I don't care about it. I do.

Sure, it's going to be heavy work, and it's not like I have much time on my hands being a CEO and a practicing lawyer, but I'm well aware of the good I could do, and once the shock of being chosen wore off, I did start to appreciate the opportunities that being at the helm of Avalon is going to provide me with. Problem is, I can't seem to focus on it right now.

All I can think about is Carina, and the time I'm wasting while we are not together.

I spend less than an hour in her actual presence, and she has already obliterated everything else.

Shit, I want her so much I can’t breathe.

What is this…attraction, this pull I’m feeling?

She has seeped so deep in my bones that I can feel the impression of her touch on my skin, her voice and her moans in my head, and the taste of her lips on mine.

I'm all over the map, and I don't understand how or why. I just know that I want her, need her, stubbornly, fiercely, madly.

She has to be mine.

I need to know everything about her, take away the misery she thinks she is hiding so well, and replace it with all the joy I’m capable of giving her and more.

There will be no sleep for me, not until I find her.

It won’t be too long before she is standing in front of me again.

I told my PA, Malcolm, to get his hands on the guest list for the event ASAP, and I'm sure I'll have it on the screen of my laptop by tomorrow.

I don’t give a fuck that it’s the weekend, I’ll pull every contact I have, scour the web, call in favors, but Iwillknow who my beautiful angel is by tomorrow morning. After all, Carina is a particular enough name, and besides, there's the fact that she was wearing something that screamed top-tier designer and that she was at an exclusive andexpensive-to-get-incharity gala. All of that makes me think that she must be a part of the high society tribe I loathe so much –the very same I belong to–, and if I’m right, that will only make her easier to find for my people and myself.

I will have her in my arms again soon, even though soon is most definitely not soon enough for me.

I take a sip of my drink and let it burn down my throat, but not even such a strong taste can replace the memory of her sweet lips against mine and her curious little tongue in my mouth.

I sigh, staring at the ceiling, my swiveling chair spinning slowly in a half circle.

Carina. Why did you run away like that?

What are you afraid of?

