Page 28 of Burn

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“Tell me what went wrong? I've been so confused. I know I'm ugly with such horrible scars, but I thought you’d accepted them. What changed? Did you decide you couldn't bear to be with a disfigured woman?”

“God, no. I'm so sorry you thought that was the reason.” I peppered her face with kisses. “Your scars have nothing to do with what happened. I told you, my darling, you are the most gorgeous woman I have ever had the pleasure of setting eyes on in my entire life.”

“Is it because I don't satisfy you in bed?”

I chuckled.


“If you were any more satisfying, I wouldn't be able to walk. It seems every time I even think of you I get a hard-on. I have cherished every minute of teaching you different ways to make love, I think you, as the pupil, have outshone me as your teacher.”

She peered back at me, confusion marred her beautiful face.

“Listen to me and I will tell you the truth about why I left but first, I have to tell you about my past.”


“In high school, I dated the most popular girl in school. Her name was Rebecca. We were really close, in love, or so I thought, and had planned our whole life. We attended the same University, I did Business Management, she did Biological Science. After University, we rented an apartment together. Bec got a job at the University in Research while I started learning the building trade.”

“Did she die?”

“No. I thought we were happy and would marry, buy a house, and have kids. Then, just over five years ago, she came home one night and announced she was to marry a well-known wealthy businessman. She said I couldn't give her everything she wanted, and he could. She packed her things and left.” I took a deep, breath.” She didn't even say goodbye, just walked out.”

“Oh, honey. I'm so sorry.”

I nodded. “I was a mess, couldn't eat, couldn't sleep or work. Lance and Neil decided after three months I'd wallowed enough. They packed up the apartment, threw me into the car and drove me out to Nowra where they had found an empty warehouse with a front office they thought would be a good business for us. Setting up the business helped keep my mind off losing Rebecca.”

“Did your brothers like Rebecca?”

“Ha…They hated her. Even in school they would say she was a whore who would sell herself to the highest bidder. I guess they were right.”

“That still doesn't explain why you left on Saturday.”

“I know. Halfway through breakfast I started thinking about all the things I loved about you. It hit me, I wasinlove with you. I had promised myself after Rebecca, I would never love another woman. I would stay single and enjoy life so I could never be hurt again. Knowing I was in love with you terrified me. I couldn't deal with the thought you might reject me, so I ran.”

“But you didn't even ask me how I felt. You didn't give me the chance to tell you, I love you too.”

“You do?”

“I think I fell in love with you the first day we met. The way you rattled off details about yourself so you could take me for lunch. No-one has ever wanted to take me out so badly. I was instantly attracted to you, and I had never felt so complete. You actually made me feel normal…pretty.”

“Darling, you are much more than pretty. You are gorgeous, inside, and out.” I wrapped my arms around her, held her close and devoured her lips. I revelled in their softness, delighted in being able to once more run my hands over her curves. My body ignited, heat flowed through my veins. Heat that only Natalie could generate within me. Once again I was alive—Truly alive.

Her eyes had lost the confusion and pain when I gazed down at her. Happiness replaced them. “I want it all Natalie. Marriage, the house, kids. But I only want it with you. Is that what you want?”

“Yes, yes, and yes…more than anything. I love you so very much.

“I love you too, my darling.”

We held each other tight, knowing we would never let go of the happiness we had found.
