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The banquet I ordered was placed on the table and I took the liberty of forking spring rolls onto Natalie's plate before setting some on my own.

“So, what do you occupy your time doing?” I inquired, hoping to find out more about her.

She seemed to ponder my question and when I expected she would again say it was none of my business, she relaxed and spoke. “I have a consulting business where I live in Kiama.”

“What do you consult in?”

She swallowed a morsel and dabbed at her full, bow-shaped lips with the napkin before speaking.

God I would love to taste those lips.Just thinking about kissing her senseless was giving me a hard-on.

“I'm a Chartered Accountant and Financial Advisor. I consult and advise small businesses on how to make the most of their profits or to help turn their business around if they're struggling and losing money. So many small businesses fail because the owners don't know how to spend money wisely and where to re-invest.”

I dragged my thoughts from my cock and paid attention. This woman might be able to help me and my brothers. Natalie might have the answers to stop our business from hemorrhaging money. We made plenty but seemed to be spending almost as much as we earned. What did I have to lose? “Would you be interested in consulting with me and my two brothers?”

“You said your building business was successful.”

“It is but money seems to go out as fast as it comes in...Faster actually. If I don't do something soon, it won't be successful for long.”

“I see. Do you re-invest in your business or yourselves?”

“What do you mean?”

“Do you and your brothers buy fast cars, houses, wine and dine women, take exotic holidays or do you reinvest by stockpiling building supplies and equipment, and regularly deposit money into interest-bearing accounts?”

“Um...” I felt my face heat with embarrassment.

“Uh-huh. It appears you and your brothers have the same problem as most business owners I consult.”

“Will you meet with us?” She touched on some very good points. I hadn't considered how much money we spent on personal pleasure—stuff. Well, not me so much as my brothers.

“I don't know if it's a good idea. I hate this town and don't come here unless I absolutely have to for something important.”

“Like today?”

“Like today.”

I placed my hand over hers and brushed her knuckles with my thumb. Her thoughts seemed to be a thousand miles away. “Are you okay?”

“Sorry, I was thinking.”

“Would you be willing to see us if my brothers and I came to Kiama?”

“I don't know.”

She wriggled in her seat. It was obvious she was uncomfortable about something. “Please? We could really use your help.”

“Very well. I'll check my diary back at the car and book you in for a consultation. You will need to bring a list of everything you've spent money on in the past five years for yourselves and the business. And I mean...Everything.I will also need to see the business books. I warn you...I'm not cheap.”

“I never thought you would be, but it will be worth every cent if you can help. Thank you.” My damn cock sprang to life at the thought of seeing her again.

We chatted about our work—avoiding anything personal, as we ate our meal. A strange feeling of regret settled in my gut when it came time to escort her back to her vehicle.

When she led me to her car, I was impressed. Natalie drove a sleek, black BMW convertible, a sign of a successful, but not over the top, businessperson. She pressed the remote, and over the beep, I heard the click of the doors being released.

She opened the driver's door and leaned in to retrieve her diary from the passenger seat.

I swear, I almost came in my fucking pants. Her arse in the air was the sexiest thing I'd witnessed in months. When she stood and turned back to me, I felt my face heat and silently cursed my uncontrollable dick as it strained to get free.
