Page 15 of Tempting Marcus

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“Isn’t it too soon? We just had our first date!”

His eyes drill into mine and I’ve never seen as much love and devotion as I am seeing right this second.

“No, my little spitfire. You’re meant to be mine. I love you. That will not change no matter how much time has gone by.”

“It’s too soon. We can’t.”

“How about you give me a chance to change your mind, spitfire?”

“You’re not gonna change my mind, Marcus.” I grin at him and he shoots me that cocky grin of his that makes my heart speed up.

He carries me inside and shuts the door with his foot. “Let’s see what happens when I do this…”

I giggle when he kisses me and then turns to hold me up against the door. His hands are everywhere and I pant, desperate for his touch. He rips my shirt off and then jerks at the rest of my clothes. My hands rip at his pants, struggling to unzip his jeans.

Crazy with desire, both of us writhe in agony and then he finally gets his length right where he wants it and slips just the head inside my aching hole.

I’m pushing down as he’s pushing up and after two thrusts he’s deep inside me, stroking my breasts with his hands, his mouth running along my throat, nipping wildly as we slam into the door over and over again.

My nails rip at the skin on his shoulders and he growls, “That’s it, baby. Fucking rip me to shreds. I love it.”

I moan and then stiffen, my pussy closing tight on his rigid cock. He thrusts harder and then his lips touch my ear. “Marry me. Marry me as soon as we can,” he whispers.

“We can’t,” I moan.

“We can. Marry me, spitfire.”

I stiffen and a bonfire of hunger roars up and over my entire body. Shivering and wracked with pleasure, I hear him ask me one more time as the pulsing hits my core.

“Marry me, Garland.”

“Yes, yes, yes!” I scream wildly and Marcus slips down the door, still thrusting wildly as I feel his release hit my walls. Both of us crash into each other and he carefully lowers me to the floor.

“You said yes,” he grins.

“Not gonna happen, Marcus. Stop it.”

He lifts me up and carries me to his bedroom and tosses me on the bed. “I think we can work this out.”

He comes down on me and we roll until I’m on top and then he’s on top.

“I love you, Marcus,” I say when he kisses me deep and slow.

He smiles and his eyes devour me, his lips barely touching mine as he whispers, “I love you too, spitfire.”

Hours and hours later, when the dog is curled up at the bottom of the bed and I’m barely awake, I lean over and whisper, “let’s get married.”

“Told you I’d get you to say yes.” The silly smirk on his face makes me laugh and Spud looks up, woofing at us which just makes me laugh harder.

Love is freaking amazing and I can’t believe how fast it came about. But I’m not going to worry about it. I lean down and rest my chin on Marcus’s chest, breathing his manly smell in and letting it soothe me off to sleep, dreaming of a wedding and family with this wonderful man for the rest of our lives.



“Iswear, I can’t believe that you knocked me up that fast!” I grumble, shuffling out of the bathroom again, rubbing my back and moaning.

“I’m not sorry,” Marcus grins. “I’m happy my guys can swim. After all, I’ve never really let them loose and the first test drive, they do the deed.”
