Page 1 of Silver Belles

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Ileave my table at the Wild Shrimp and sit down at the bar. I ate my dinner, or some of my dinner. My stomach is still whirling since I talked to my parents yet again. I don’t understand why they can’t get it through their thick heads that I am not marrying their business partner, Carter.

I nod at the bartender and they drop off my chosen drink. A fruity cocktail with an umbrella that looks like a glorious sunrise but packs a punch that quickly makes me feel no pain.

Which is when I notice the sexy guy studying me at the end of the bar. He sees me looking at him and grins cheekily. “Hello.”

I nod my head and smile at him. “Hi.”

He nods his dark head at my drink. “What are you drinking?”

I lift it up and take a sip and grin at him. “Honestly? I don’t really know. I’m not much of a drinker but I asked the bartender for something that tasted fruity and refreshing.” I hold up the glass. “This is what they gave me.” I take another sip and feel my head start to swim. “It’s actually r-r-really good.”

He chuckles and I have to admit, it makes my stomach flip just a bit. But I know that I can’t worry about that. I’ve got too much on my plate to get involved with any man. Especially for what has to be nothing but a vacation romance. Even if his dark, sparkling eyes are making my insides clench wildly.

“Sounds like you’ve had a few already.”

“Nope,” I whisper, popping the p in an annoying fashion that would make my mother cringe.

He laughs again.

“I just have really low tolerance for alcohol or drugs. I can sniff a cap and I’m falling-down drunk.”

He eyes me warily. “You better watch that drink then. That’s a pretty big one for such a tiny woman.”

I snort. Loudly. He grins again. “I’m not a tiny woman. I’ve got a lotta extra curves.”

His smile immediately fades away. “Who said that to you?”

I wave my hand airily. “Don’t worry about it. My mother is the one that usually says it. All the damn time.”

He winces. “I’m sorry. That’s gotta suck. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with you. I think you’re beautiful.”

“I think you must have bad eyesight.”

“Actually, I have fantastic eyesight. I’m an artist and I know gorgeous when I see it.”

My brow lifts. “Really? An artist?”

“Yeah. What do you do when you’re not on vacation?”

“I’m a jewelry designer. Although my parents would rather I wasn’t,” I grumble under my breath.

“That’s cool. Is that yours?” His big hand reaches across and delicately traces the chain where it lies against my skin, lifting the pretty iolite pendant in a teardrop shape and studying it carefully.

My breath feels like it stalls in my chest and I shake my head. It must be because of the drink. It can’t be anything else.

Like the gorgeous man with his warm hand barely skimming my bare chest.

He looks up and his dark eyes lock on mine and I can’t look away. “It’s really pretty. Kinda like you,” he says softly.

I snort again. “You’re a smooth talker there…?” My head lifts. “ I don’t even know your name. I shouldn’t be talking to you since you’re a total stranger.”

He chuckles at my sudden worry about protocol. “I’m Merrick. Merrick Sloan.”

I hold out my hand and he envelopes it in his big, warm paw and my head lifts to study his eyes. It feels like electricity zings through my fingers and all the way down to my toes when he touches me. His eyebrow lifts and he pulls away reluctantly.
